Ten Foot Pole

let me take you to a place no one's ever seen.
it's so far it's so far away,
back in deep behind the trees.
i know that i won't fall. it's been there a hundred
years. i know that it won't fall.
trust the limbs are here. one more time i'm telling
you. walk where you won't fall.
we're almost there. come on follow me,
to that fotrtrss in the sky.
and i'm going to take you there.
to the place, the place that no one's ever seen.
the moss grows on the north side of the trees.
i know that it won't fall it's been there a hundred
years. i know that it won't fall.
trust the limbs are here. walk through the forrest at night.

Mirror lyrics:

trust the limbs are here. walk through the forrest at night.
years. i know that it won't fall.
i know that it won't fall it's been there a hundred
the moss grows on the north side of the trees.
to the place, the place that no one's ever seen.
and i'm going to take you there.
to that fotrtrss in the sky.
we're almost there. come on follow me,
you. walk where you won't fall.
trust the limbs are here. one more time i'm telling
years. i know that it won't fall.
i know that i won't fall. it's been there a hundred
back in deep behind the trees.
it's so far it's so far away,
let me take you to a place no one's ever seen.

Relevant Tags:
WWalkin alkin aWlkin aalkin aWalkin Waalkin 3alkin 3Walkin W3alkin dalkin dWalkin
Wdalkin ealkin eWalkin Wealkin salkin sWalkin Wsalkin 2alkin 2Walkin W2alkin qalkin
qWalkin Wqalkin Wlkin Wlakin Wzlkin Wzalkin Wazlkin Wqlkin Waqlkin Wslkin Waslkin
Wwlkin Wwalkin Wawlkin Wxlkin Wxalkin Waxlkin Wallkin Wakin Waklin Wakkin Waklkin
Walkkin Waokin Waolkin

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