Tenacious D
School Of Rock

Baby we was making straight A's

But we were stuck in a dumb days

Don't take much to memorize your life

I feel like I've been hypnotocised

And then that magic man he come to town


He done spun my head around

He said "Recess is in session

2 and 2 makes 5 "

And now baby oh i'm alive

OH YEAH I am Alive


And if you wanna be the teachers pet

Well baby you just better forget it

Rock got no reason

Rock got no rhyme

You better get me to school on time


Oh you know I was on an honor roll

Got good grades and got no soul

Raised my hand before I could speak my mind

Oh I been biting my tongue to many times

And then that magic man said to obey (A-hah)

Do what magic man do

Not what magic man say

Now can I please have the attention of the class

Todays assignment...Ahem...KICK SOME ASS!


And if you wanna be the teachers pet

Well baby you just better forget it

Rock got no reason

Rock got no rhyme

You better get me to school on time


This is my final exam

Now y'all know who I am

I might not be your perfect son

But y'all be rockin' when I'm done

Mirror lyrics:

But y'all be rockin' when I'm done

I might not be your perfect son

Now y'all know who I am

This is my final exam


You better get me to school on time

Rock got no rhyme

Rock got no reason

Well baby you just better forget it

And if you wanna be the teachers pet


Todays assignment...Ahem...KICK SOME ASS!

Now can I please have the attention of the class

Not what magic man say

Do what magic man do

And then that magic man said to obey (A-hah)

Oh I been biting my tongue to many times

Raised my hand before I could speak my mind

Got good grades and got no soul

Oh you know I was on an honor roll


You better get me to school on time

Rock got no rhyme

Rock got no reason

Well baby you just better forget it

And if you wanna be the teachers pet


OH YEAH I am Alive

And now baby oh i'm alive

2 and 2 makes 5 "

He said "Recess is in session

He done spun my head around


And then that magic man he come to town

I feel like I've been hypnotocised

Don't take much to memorize your life

But we were stuck in a dumb days

Baby we was making straight A's

Relevant Tags:
SSchool OOf RRock chool f ock cShool fO oRck zchool kf dock zSchool kOf dRock Szchool Okf Rdock wchool 9f 4ock wSchool 9Of 4Rock
Swchool O9f R4ock dchool 0f gock dSchool 0Of gRock Sdchool O0f Rgock echool lf tock eSchool lOf tRock Sechool Olf Rtock xchool if 5ock
xSchool iOf 5Rock Sxchool Oif R5ock achool Off fock aSchool O fRock Sachool Of Rfock Scchool Oc eock Shool Ocf eRock Shcool Ofc Reock
Sfhool Or Roock Sfchool Orf Rck Scfhool Ofr Rcok Sxhool Og Rkck Ogf Rkock Scxhool Ofg Rokck Svhool Ot R9ck Svchool Otf R9ock
Scvhool Oft Ro9ck Sdhool Ov R0ck Ovf R0ock Scdhool Ofv Ro0ck Schhool Od Rlck Scool Odf Rlock Scohol Ofd Rolck Scjool Rick
Scjhool Riock Schjool Roick Scuool Rocck Scuhool Rok Schuool Rokc Scnool Rofk

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