Friendship Train

Well, well, well, well, well, well

Calling out to everyone across the nation

Said, "The world is in a desperate situation

Stealing, burning, fighting, killing

Nothing but corruption"

It looks like mankind in on the eve of destruction

Oh yes, it is people, let me tell you now

We've got to learn to live with each other

No, no matter what the race, creed or color

I just got to tell you what the world needs now

Is love and understanding get on board the Friendship Train

Everybody shake a hand, shake a hand

People I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, make a friend now

Listen to us now, we're doing our thing

On the Friendship Train

We've got to start today to make tomorrow

A brighter day for our children

Oh, calm down people now we can do it

I can prove it but only if our hearts are willing

Now, so get on board the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, shake a hand

Yes, I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Come on buddy, shake a hand, make a friend

No, no, no, it don't matter what you look like

People or who you are

If your heart is in the right place

Talking about the right place

You're welcome on the board now

This train stands for justice

This train stands for freedom

This train stands for harmony and peace

This train stands for love, love

Come on, get on the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, shake a hand

I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Come on buddy, shake a hand, make a friend, now

People listen to me now

Harmony is the key, my sisters and brothers

Oh yes, it is I say

Harmony is the key, my sisters and brothers

People, we can't wait 'cause another day might be too late

Come on, get on the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, shake a hand, now

I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Get on board and shake a hand, make a friend, now

Mirror lyrics:

Get on board and shake a hand, make a friend, now

I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, shake a hand, now

Come on, get on the Friendship Train

People, we can't wait 'cause another day might be too late

Harmony is the key, my sisters and brothers

Oh yes, it is I say

Harmony is the key, my sisters and brothers

People listen to me now

Come on buddy, shake a hand, make a friend, now

I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, shake a hand

Come on, get on the Friendship Train

This train stands for love, love

This train stands for harmony and peace

This train stands for freedom

This train stands for justice

You're welcome on the board now

Talking about the right place

If your heart is in the right place

People or who you are

No, no, no, it don't matter what you look like

Come on buddy, shake a hand, make a friend

Yes, I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Everybody, shake a hand, shake a hand

Now, so get on board the Friendship Train

I can prove it but only if our hearts are willing

Oh, calm down people now we can do it

A brighter day for our children

We've got to start today to make tomorrow

On the Friendship Train

Listen to us now, we're doing our thing

Everybody, shake a hand, make a friend now

People I'm talking about the Friendship Train

Everybody shake a hand, shake a hand

Is love and understanding get on board the Friendship Train

I just got to tell you what the world needs now

No, no matter what the race, creed or color

We've got to learn to live with each other

Oh yes, it is people, let me tell you now

It looks like mankind in on the eve of destruction

Nothing but corruption"

Stealing, burning, fighting, killing

Said, "The world is in a desperate situation

Calling out to everyone across the nation

Well, well, well, well, well, well

Relevant Tags:
FFriendship TTrain riendship rain rFiendship rTain criendship frain cFriendship fTrain Fcriendship Tfrain rriendship 5rain
rFriendship 5Train Frriendship T5rain griendship hrain gFriendship hTrain Fgriendship Thrain triendship yrain tFriendship yTrain
Ftriendship Tyrain vriendship 6rain vFriendship 6Train Fvriendship T6rain driendship grain dFriendship gTrain Fdriendship Tgrain
rrain Fiendship rTrain Firendship Trrain Fdiendship Tain Frdiendship Tarin F4iendship Tdain
F4riendship Tdrain Fr4iendship Trdain Fgiendship T4ain T4rain Frgiendship Tr4ain Ftiendship Tgain Frtiendship Trgain
F5iendship Ttain F5riendship Ttrain Fr5iendship Trtain Ffiendship T5ain Ffriendship Frfiendship Tr5ain Feiendship Tfain
Feriendship Freiendship Trfain Friiendship Teain Frendship Terain Freindship Treain Frjendship Traain Frjiendship Trin
Frijendship Trian Fr9endship Trzin Fr9iendship Trzain Fri9endship Trazin Frlendship Trqin Frliendship Trqain Frilendship Traqin
Froendship Trsin Froiendship Trsain Frioendship Trasin Frkendship Trwin Frkiendship Trwain Frikendship Trawin Fr8endship Trxin
Fr8iendship Trxain Fri8endship Traxin Fruendship Traiin Fruiendship Tran Friuendship Trani Frieendship Trajn Frindship Trajin
Frinedship Traijn Frisndship Tra9n Frisendship Tra9in Friesndship Trai9n Fri3ndship Traln Fri3endship Tralin Frie3ndship Trailn
Frifndship Traon Frifendship Traoin Friefndship Traion Frirndship Trakn Frirendship Trakin Frierndship Traikn Fri4ndship Tra8n
Fri4endship Tra8in Frie4ndship Trai8n Fridndship Traun Fridendship Trauin Friedndship Traiun Friwndship Trainn Friwendship Trai
Friewndship Train Frienndship Traim Friedship Traimn Friednship Trainm Friemdship Traih Friemndship Traihn

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