Sunset Black

Did you tell me
I'm supposed to live this life every single day
Can you take that
Believe with what I say and never give this up
Cause I won't give this up

I keep on thinking
I'm so damn new
I keep on thinking
I'm over you

We stood so tall
And you can't take this in
You'd wish we'd fall
And I won't let this in
We stood so tall
And you couldn't give in to what I'm thinking

Can't you see that
I believe in something more
Than what's been handed down
Can you take that
Believe with what I say and never give this up
Cause you wouldn't give this up

I keep on thinking
I'm so damn new
I keep on thinking
I'm over you

We stood so tall
And you can't take this in
You'd wish we'd fall
And I won't let this in
We stood so tall
And you couldn't give in to what I'm thinking

So tell me what you know
And I'll be here to show
You everything that I am
Come and see me

We stood so tall
And you can't take this in
You'd wish we'd fall
And I won't let this in
We stood so tall
And you couldn't give in to what I'm thinking

So tell me what you know

Mirror lyrics:

So tell me what you know

And you couldn't give in to what I'm thinking
We stood so tall
And I won't let this in
You'd wish we'd fall
And you can't take this in
We stood so tall

Come and see me
You everything that I am
And I'll be here to show
So tell me what you know

And you couldn't give in to what I'm thinking
We stood so tall
And I won't let this in
You'd wish we'd fall
And you can't take this in
We stood so tall

I'm over you
I keep on thinking
I'm so damn new
I keep on thinking

Cause you wouldn't give this up
Believe with what I say and never give this up
Can you take that
Than what's been handed down
I believe in something more
Can't you see that

And you couldn't give in to what I'm thinking
We stood so tall
And I won't let this in
You'd wish we'd fall
And you can't take this in
We stood so tall

I'm over you
I keep on thinking
I'm so damn new
I keep on thinking

Cause I won't give this up
Believe with what I say and never give this up
Can you take that
I'm supposed to live this life every single day
Did you tell me

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Sdtanding etanding eStanding Setanding xtanding xStanding Sxtanding atanding aStanding Satanding Sttanding
Sanding Satnding Sfanding Sftanding Stfanding S5anding S5tanding St5anding Shanding Shtanding Sthanding
Syanding Sytanding Styanding S6anding S6tanding St6anding Sganding Sgtanding Stganding Sranding Srtanding
Stranding Staanding Stnding Stnading Stznding Stzanding Staznding Stqnding Stqanding Staqnding Stsnding
Stsanding Stasnding Stwnding Stwanding Stawnding Stxnding Stxanding Staxnding Stannding Stading Stadning
Stamding Stamnding Stanmding Stahding Stahnding Stanhding Stajding Stajnding Stanjding Stabding Stabnding

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