Sunset Black
Empty Promises

Finding your reasons
You're finding your way back here
Finding your reasons
You're finding your reasons here

And it falls away
And you're hanging on
And it falls away
And you're hanging on

Carry on
I'll find you
I dreaming all
I am for you
I'm wishing I
Could be the one
I'm burning out
Before the sun

Cause I surround you
And everything
Cause I surround you
And everything

Dreaming lights
They always fade
I never know
When to pay
I'm wishing you
Believed in me
I'm hanging on
For eternity

Cause I surround you
And everything
Cause I surround you
And everything

Everything falls away
Everything falls away

Everything falls away
Everything falls away

Stop bringing me down

I knew that I gave to you
I was too much
Hide once more
I let this go
Right out the door
I was not for you
I would bleed for you
I believed in you
Cause I don't want to be alone
Without you
Cause I don't want to be alone

Mirror lyrics:

Cause I don't want to be alone
Without you
Cause I don't want to be alone
I believed in you
I would bleed for you
I was not for you
Right out the door
I let this go
Hide once more
I was too much
I knew that I gave to you

Stop bringing me down

Everything falls away
Everything falls away

Everything falls away
Everything falls away

And everything
Cause I surround you
And everything
Cause I surround you

For eternity
I'm hanging on
Believed in me
I'm wishing you
When to pay
I never know
They always fade
Dreaming lights

And everything
Cause I surround you
And everything
Cause I surround you

Before the sun
I'm burning out
Could be the one
I'm wishing I
I am for you
I dreaming all
I'll find you
Carry on

And you're hanging on
And it falls away
And you're hanging on
And it falls away

You're finding your reasons here
Finding your reasons
You're finding your way back here
Finding your reasons

Relevant Tags:
EEmpty PPromises mpty romises mEpty rPomises smpty 0romises sEmpty 0Promises Esmpty P0romises 3mpty lromises 3Empty lPromises
E3mpty Plromises fmpty oromises fEmpty oPromises Efmpty Poromises rmpty Prromises rEmpty Pomises Ermpty Pormises 4mpty Pdomises
4Empty Pdromises E4mpty Prdomises dmpty P4omises dEmpty P4romises Edmpty Pr4omises wmpty Pgomises wEmpty Pgromises Ewmpty Prgomises
Emmpty Ptomises Epty Ptromises Epmty Prtomises Ejpty P5omises Ejmpty P5romises Emjpty Pr5omises Ekpty Pfomises Ekmpty Pfromises
Emkpty Prfomises Enpty Peomises Enmpty Peromises Emnpty Preomises Emppty Proomises Emty Prmises Emtpy Prmoises Em0ty Prkmises
Em0pty Prkomises Emp0ty Prokmises Emlty Pr9mises Emlpty Pr9omises Emplty Pro9mises Emoty Pr0mises Emopty Pr0omises Empoty Pro0mises
Emptty Prlmises Empy Prlomises Empyt Prolmises Empfy Primises Empfty Priomises Emptfy Proimises Emp5y Prommises Emp5ty Proises
Empt5y Proimses Emphy Projises Emphty Projmises Empthy Promjises Empyy Prokises Empyty Emptyy Promkises Emp6y Pronises
Emp6ty Pronmises Empt6y Promnises Empgy Promiises Empgty Promses Emptgy Promsies Empry Promjses Emprty Emptry Promijses

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