Maniac Dance

This year has been a nightmare
I've been so low, I don't care
I've dwelled in depths of darkness
Swam across the ocean of pain

I've fed the tabloids, the media
It's a bottomless pit, a redia
Front pages, gossips, knifings, drunken nights and days

Sadness, rage, hopelessness
I am nothing without you

Again the dance
I do the maniac dance
Just like in trance
I do the maniac dance

This demon serves me well
It wants to send me to the depths of hell
A roller coaster ride it has been I can tell
I'm a walking miracle of medicine
A real catastrophe on legs
A proud member of human race known as the dregs

Xanax, Remeron, Therapy, Buspiron
Anger, Fear and Shame

Again the dance
I do the maniac dance
Just like in trance
I do the maniac dance

Mirror lyrics:

I do the maniac dance
Just like in trance
I do the maniac dance
Again the dance

Anger, Fear and Shame
Xanax, Remeron, Therapy, Buspiron

A proud member of human race known as the dregs
A real catastrophe on legs
I'm a walking miracle of medicine
A roller coaster ride it has been I can tell
It wants to send me to the depths of hell
This demon serves me well

I do the maniac dance
Just like in trance
I do the maniac dance
Again the dance

I am nothing without you
Sadness, rage, hopelessness

Front pages, gossips, knifings, drunken nights and days
It's a bottomless pit, a redia
I've fed the tabloids, the media

Swam across the ocean of pain
I've dwelled in depths of darkness
I've been so low, I don't care
This year has been a nightmare

Relevant Tags:
MManiac DDance aniac ance aMniac aDnce janiac xance jManiac xDance Mjaniac Dxance kaniac eance kManiac eDance Mkaniac Deance
naniac fance nManiac fDance Mnaniac Dfance Maaniac rance Mniac rDance Mnaiac Drance Mzniac cance Mzaniac cDance Mazniac Dcance
Mqniac sance Mqaniac sDance Maqniac Dsance Msniac Daance Msaniac Dnce Masniac Dnace Mwniac Dznce Mwaniac Dzance Mawniac Daznce
Mxniac Dqnce Mxaniac Dqance Maxniac Daqnce Manniac Dsnce Maiac Mainac Dasnce Mamiac Dwnce Mamniac Dwance Manmiac Dawnce
Mahiac Dxnce Mahniac Manhiac Daxnce Majiac Dannce Majniac Dace Manjiac Dacne Mabiac Damce Mabniac Damnce Manbiac Danmce
Maniiac Dahce Manac Dahnce Manaic Danhce Manjac Dajce Dajnce

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