Before The Winter

Before the summer turns to winter, before the dreams will turn to snow.
I see the yellow leaves are falling and soon I know I have to go.
But I'll be back before the summer, next year you're in my arms again.
The winter breeze will send my message, it will keep you warm until then.
The path to home is long and winding.
I'll keep the flame alive for you until I am back.
You and I will walk that road together,
I'll show that all the dreams are true
if you only let them be before the winter

Mirror lyrics:

if you only let them be before the winter
I'll show that all the dreams are true
You and I will walk that road together,
I'll keep the flame alive for you until I am back.
The path to home is long and winding.
The winter breeze will send my message, it will keep you warm until then.
But I'll be back before the summer, next year you're in my arms again.
I see the yellow leaves are falling and soon I know I have to go.
Before the summer turns to winter, before the dreams will turn to snow.

Relevant Tags:
BBefore TThe WWinter efore he inter eBfore hTe iWnter vefore fhe ainter vBefore fThe aWinter Bvefore Tfhe Wainter
gefore 5he 3inter gBefore 5The 3Winter Bgefore T5he W3inter nefore hhe dinter nBefore hThe dWinter Bnefore Thhe Wdinter
hefore yhe einter hBefore yThe eWinter Bhefore Tyhe Weinter Beefore 6he sinter Bfore 6The sWinter Bfeore T6he Wsinter
Bsfore ghe 2inter Bsefore gThe 2Winter Besfore Tghe W2inter B3fore rhe qinter B3efore rThe qWinter Be3fore Trhe Wqinter
Bffore Wiinter Bfefore Te Wnter Beffore Teh Wniter Brfore Tje Wjnter Brefore Tjhe Wjinter Berfore Thje Wijnter
B4fore Tue W9nter B4efore Tuhe W9inter Be4fore Thue Wi9nter Bdfore Tne Wlnter Bdefore Tnhe Wlinter Bedfore Thne Wilnter
Bwfore Tbe Wonter Bwefore Tbhe Wointer Bewfore Thbe Wionter Tge Wknter Beore Wkinter Beofre Thge Wiknter
Becore Tye W8nter Becfore W8inter Befcore Thye Wi8nter Berore Thee Wunter Th Wuinter Befrore The Wiunter
Begore Ths Winnter Begfore Thse Witer Befgore Thes Witner Betore Th3 Wimter Betfore Th3e Wimnter Beftore The3 Winmter
Bevore Thf Wihter Bevfore Thfe Wihnter Befvore Thef Winhter Bedore Thr Wijter Thre Befdore Ther Winjter
Befoore Th4 Wibter Befre Th4e Wibnter Befroe The4 Winbter

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