And The Boat Sails By

I have heard the bell
In the tolling of the waves
And I have heard the moon
Making love to the stars
Keep your eyes on
Blue horizons
I'll be your driver
I'll find a pearl for you

And the boat sails by
Under crimson skies
Golden children play
As we sail away
Away away away

Put your ear to the shell
Can you hear me call
You cannot hide behind
The curve of the earth

Keep your eyes on
Blue horizons
Cool wind blow me home to you

Mirror lyrics:

Cool wind blow me home to you
Blue horizons
Keep your eyes on

The curve of the earth
You cannot hide behind
Can you hear me call
Put your ear to the shell

Away away away
As we sail away
Golden children play
Under crimson skies
And the boat sails by

I'll find a pearl for you
I'll be your driver
Blue horizons
Keep your eyes on
Making love to the stars
And I have heard the moon
In the tolling of the waves
I have heard the bell

Relevant Tags:
AAnd TThe BBoat SSails BBy nd he oat ails y nAd hTe oBat aSils yB znd fhe voat zails vy zAnd fThe vBoat zSails vBy Aznd Tfhe Bvoat Szails Bvy
qnd 5he goat wails gy qAnd 5The gBoat wSails gBy Aqnd T5he Bgoat Swails Bgy snd hhe noat dails ny sAnd hThe nBoat dSails nBy Asnd Thhe Bnoat Sdails Bny
wnd yhe hoat eails hy wAnd yThe hBoat eSails hBy Awnd Tyhe Bhoat Seails Bhy xnd 6he Booat xails Byy xAnd 6The Bat xSails B Axnd T6he Baot Sxails By
Annd ghe Bkat aails Bg Ad gThe Bkoat aSails Adn Tghe Bokat Saails Byg Amd rhe B9at Bh Amnd rThe B9oat Sils Anmd Trhe Bo9at Sials Byh
Ahd B0at Szils B6 Ahnd Te B0oat B6y Anhd Teh Bo0at Sazils By6 Ajd Tje Blat Sqils Bu Ajnd Tjhe Bloat Sqails Buy Anjd Thje Bolat Saqils Byu
Abd Tue Biat Ssils B7 Abnd Tuhe Bioat Ssails B7y Anbd Thue Boiat Sasils By7 Andd Tne Boaat Swils Bj An Tnhe Bot Bjy And Thne Bota Sawils Byj
Anx Tbe Bozt Sxils Bt Anxd Tbhe Bozat Bty Andx Thbe Boazt Saxils Byt Ane Tge Boqt Saiils Aned Boqat Sals Ande Thge Boaqt Salis
Anf Tye Bost Sajls Anfd Bosat Sajils Andf Thye Boast Saijls

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