Steve Earle
Fearless Heart

Don't you worry bout what you've been told
Cause honey I ain't even close to cold
It's kinda soon to fall in love again
But sometimes the best that you can do is just jump back in
I got me a fearless heart
Strong enough to get you through the scary part
It's been broken many times before
A fearless heart just comes back for more

Folks'll tell you that I'm just no good
But I wouldn't hurt you honey if I could
I can't promise this'll work out right
But it would kill me darlin' if we didn't even try

I admit I fall in love a lot
But I nearly always give it my best shot
I know you must think I'm the reckless kind
But I want a lady with a fearless heart just like mine

Mirror lyrics:

But I want a lady with a fearless heart just like mine
I know you must think I'm the reckless kind
But I nearly always give it my best shot
I admit I fall in love a lot

But it would kill me darlin' if we didn't even try
I can't promise this'll work out right
But I wouldn't hurt you honey if I could
Folks'll tell you that I'm just no good

A fearless heart just comes back for more
It's been broken many times before
Strong enough to get you through the scary part
I got me a fearless heart
But sometimes the best that you can do is just jump back in
It's kinda soon to fall in love again
Cause honey I ain't even close to cold
Don't you worry bout what you've been told

Relevant Tags:
FFearless HHeart earless eart eFarless eHart cearless jeart cFearless jHeart Fcearless Hjeart rearless ueart rFearless uHeart
Frearless Hueart gearless neart gFearless nHeart Fgearless Hneart tearless beart tFearless bHeart Ftearless Hbeart vearless geart
vFearless gHeart Fvearless Hgeart dearless yeart dFearless yHeart Fdearless Hyeart Feearless Heeart Farless Hart Faerless Haert
Fsarless Hsart Fsearless Hseart Fesarless Hesart F3arless H3art F3earless H3eart Fe3arless He3art Ffarless Hfart Ffearless Hfeart
Fefarless Hefart Frarless Hrart Hreart Ferarless Herart F4arless H4art F4earless H4eart Fe4arless He4art Fdarless Hdart
Hdeart Fedarless Hedart Fwarless Hwart Fwearless Hweart Fewarless Hewart Feaarless Heaart Ferless Hert Feraless Herat
Fezrless Hezrt Fezarless Hezart Feazrless Heazrt Feqrless Heqrt Feqarless Heqart Feaqrless Heaqrt Fesrless Hesrt Feasrless Heasrt
Fewrless Hewrt Feawrless Heawrt Fexrless Hexrt Fexarless Hexart Feaxrless Heaxrt Fearrless Hearrt Fealess Heat Fealress Heatr
Feadless Headt Feadrless Headrt Feardless Heardt Fea4less Hea4t Fea4rless Hea4rt Fear4less Hear4t Feagless Heagt Feagrless Heagrt

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