Steve Burns

Sit right next to me
Against the glass where we both can see
Focus on the ground
In disbelief of where we used to be

What should I do now?
I'm upside down fighting with gravity
I'll just lock the door
And they won't know
How to find me

I couldn't share it
You never saw it
Coming around
Even the bad parts
Move along
Better than they should

Now I'm waiting here to disappear
Have you ever been so tired of yourself?
And I'll meet you here in the troposphere
Lately I just haven't been myself

Back here on the ground
You're halfway gone
And the traffic drowns you out
Driving past your school
I grew up here
Looking at you

I couldn't share it
You never saw it
Coming around
Even the bad parts
Move along
Better than they should

Now I'm waiting here to disappear
Have you ever been so tired of yourself?
And I'll meet you here in the troposphere
Lately I just haven't been myself

Mirror lyrics:

Lately I just haven't been myself
And I'll meet you here in the troposphere
Have you ever been so tired of yourself?
Now I'm waiting here to disappear

Better than they should
Move along
Even the bad parts
Coming around
You never saw it
I couldn't share it

Looking at you
I grew up here
Driving past your school
And the traffic drowns you out
You're halfway gone
Back here on the ground

Lately I just haven't been myself
And I'll meet you here in the troposphere
Have you ever been so tired of yourself?
Now I'm waiting here to disappear

Better than they should
Move along
Even the bad parts
Coming around
You never saw it
I couldn't share it

How to find me
And they won't know
I'll just lock the door
I'm upside down fighting with gravity
What should I do now?

In disbelief of where we used to be
Focus on the ground
Against the glass where we both can see
Sit right next to me

Relevant Tags:
TTroposphere roposphere rToposphere froposphere fTroposphere Tfroposphere 5roposphere 5Troposphere T5roposphere hroposphere
hTroposphere Throposphere yroposphere yTroposphere Tyroposphere 6roposphere 6Troposphere T6roposphere groposphere gTroposphere
Tgroposphere rroposphere rTroposphere Trroposphere Toposphere Torposphere Tdoposphere Tdroposphere Trdoposphere T4oposphere
T4roposphere Tr4oposphere Tgoposphere Trgoposphere Ttoposphere Ttroposphere Trtoposphere T5oposphere Tr5oposphere Tfoposphere
Trfoposphere Teoposphere Teroposphere Treoposphere Trooposphere Trposphere Trpoosphere Trkposphere Trkoposphere Trokposphere
Tr9posphere Tr9oposphere Tro9posphere Tr0posphere Tr0oposphere Tro0posphere Trlposphere Trloposphere Trolposphere Triposphere
Trioposphere Troiposphere Tropposphere Troosphere Troopsphere Tro0osphere Trop0osphere Trolosphere Troplosphere Trooosphere
Tropoosphere Tropsphere Tropsophere Tropksphere Tropkosphere Tropoksphere Trop9sphere Trop9osphere Tropo9sphere Trop0sphere
Tropo0sphere Troplsphere Tropolsphere Tropisphere Tropiosphere Tropoisphere Tropossphere Tropophere Tropopshere Tropozphere

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