Steve Azar
Lay Your Heart Next To Mine

It sure is good to see your smile
At the end of a long hard day
Life out there is easier to bear
When you look at me this way

I can't count the times
You dance through my mind
While I'm tryin' to be who I am
But you got to believe
I'm not really me
'Til I'm back in your arms again

'Cause it all comes clear
When we're both right here
And you lay your heart next to mine

I'll never get used to those short goodbyes
As I'm runnin' out the door
And I'll always hate walkin' away
While you're tryin' to kiss me once more

But I've got to do what I've got to do
And even when it don't go like I plan
I tell myself, if there's nothin' else
When every day comes to an end

It will be all right
When you hold me tight
And you lay your heart next to mine

Every beat
Every breath
That I have you here with me
Is worth all the rest, oh yes
And every dream
In my mind
Comes alive every night, every time

And the world stands still
That's the way it feels
When you lay your heart next to mine
Come and lay your heart next to mine

Mirror lyrics:

Come and lay your heart next to mine
When you lay your heart next to mine
That's the way it feels
And the world stands still

Comes alive every night, every time
In my mind
And every dream
Is worth all the rest, oh yes
That I have you here with me
Every breath
Every beat

And you lay your heart next to mine
When you hold me tight
It will be all right

When every day comes to an end
I tell myself, if there's nothin' else
And even when it don't go like I plan
But I've got to do what I've got to do

While you're tryin' to kiss me once more
And I'll always hate walkin' away
As I'm runnin' out the door
I'll never get used to those short goodbyes

And you lay your heart next to mine
When we're both right here
'Cause it all comes clear

'Til I'm back in your arms again
I'm not really me
But you got to believe
While I'm tryin' to be who I am
You dance through my mind
I can't count the times

When you look at me this way
Life out there is easier to bear
At the end of a long hard day
It sure is good to see your smile

Relevant Tags:
LLay YYour HHeart NNext TTo MMine ay our eart ext o ine aLy oYur eHart eNxt oT iMne kay gour jeart mext fo jine kLay gYour jHeart mNext fTo jMine
Lkay Ygour Hjeart Nmext Tfo Mjine oay hour ueart hext 5o kine oLay hYour uHeart hNext 5To kMine Loay Yhour Hueart Nhext T5o Mkine pay 6our neart jext ho nine
pLay 6Your nHeart jNext hTo nMine Lpay Y6our Hneart Njext Tho Mnine Laay uour beart bext yo Miine Ly uYour bHeart bNext yTo Mne Lya Yuour Hbeart Nbext Tyo Mnie
Lzy 7our geart Neext 6o Mjne Lzay 7Your gHeart Nxt 6To Lazy Y7our Hgeart Nxet T6o Mijne Lqy jour yeart Nsxt go M9ne Lqay jYour yHeart Nsext gTo M9ine
Laqy Yjour Hyeart Nesxt Tgo Mi9ne Lsy tour Heeart N3xt ro Mlne Lsay tYour Hart N3ext rTo Mline Lasy Ytour Haert Ne3xt Tro Milne Lwy Yoour Hsart Nfxt Too Mone
Lway Yur Hseart Nfext T Moine Lawy Yuor Hesart Nefxt To Mione Lxy Ykur H3art Nrxt Tk Mkne Lxay Ykour H3eart Nrext Tko Laxy Yokur He3art Nerxt Tok Mikne
Layy Y9ur Hfart N4xt T9 M8ne La Y9our Hfeart N4ext T9o M8ine Lay Yo9ur Hefart Ne4xt To9 Mi8ne Lag Y0ur Hrart Ndxt T0 Mune Lagy Y0our Hreart Ndext T0o Muine
Layg Yo0ur Herart Nedxt To0 Miune Lah Ylur H4art Nwxt Tl Minne Lahy Ylour H4eart Nwext Tlo Mie Layh Yolur He4art Newxt Tol Mien La6 Yiur Hdart Nexxt Ti Mime
La6y Yiour Hdeart Net Tio Mimne Lay6 Yoiur Hedart Netx Toi Minme Lau Youur Hwart Nedt Mihe Lauy Yor Hweart Mihne Layu Yoru Hewart Nexdt Minhe
La7 Yohr Heaart Nezt Mije La7y Yohur Hert Nezxt Lay7 Youhr Herat Nexzt Minje Laj Yo7r Hezrt Nect Mibe Lajy Yo7ur Hezart Necxt Mibne
Layj You7r Heazrt Nexct Minbe Lat Yokr Heqrt Nest Minee

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