Steve Azar
Waitin' On Joe (video Verson)

Waitin' On Joe (Video Version)
Steve Azar

We're supposed to start work down on the river today.
And for Joe and me, it's some pretty good pay.
Now, I was countin' on him
To be at the dock by ten.
A week's pay says he's still at home,
'Cause the boy's in his own time zone

I'm a waitin' on Joe, whaddya know.
Time flies fast and he is slower than a.....
I told him over and over: "Now don't you be late."
Ah, but like always,
I'm just sittin' on go,
And waitin' on Joe.

Towboat's a leavin' 'cause it don't care.
What's not on board and who's not there.
Once that whistle blows,
Down the mighty river it rolls.
Man if I could be more like that,
I'd get on with my life and never look back.

Instead of waitin' on Joe, whaddya know.
Time flies fast and he is slower than a.....
I told him over and over, "Now don't you be late."
Ah, but like always,
I'm just sittin' on go,
And waitin' on Joe.
Waitin' on Joe.

And he's in a hurry,
'Cause he's runnin' behind.
Now I'm not one to worry,
But I've got a real bad feeling this time.
Oh, oh, oh, whoa.

'Cause sirens are crying all through this town.
And one old boy said Joe never slowed down.
He tried to beat that morning train
My life will never be the same
I didn't even tell my brother good bye
Lord I wish some how he could send me a sign

Yeah, I'm a-waitin' on Joe, whaddya know.
Time flies fast and he is slower than a.....
I told him over and over: "Now don't you be late."
Ah, but like always,
I'm just sittin' on go,
And waitin' on Joe.
Waitin' on Joe.

Mirror lyrics:

Waitin' on Joe.
And waitin' on Joe.
I'm just sittin' on go,
Ah, but like always,
I told him over and over: "Now don't you be late."
Time flies fast and he is slower than a.....
Yeah, I'm a-waitin' on Joe, whaddya know.

Lord I wish some how he could send me a sign
I didn't even tell my brother good bye
My life will never be the same
He tried to beat that morning train
And one old boy said Joe never slowed down.
'Cause sirens are crying all through this town.

Oh, oh, oh, whoa.
But I've got a real bad feeling this time.
Now I'm not one to worry,
'Cause he's runnin' behind.
And he's in a hurry,

Waitin' on Joe.
And waitin' on Joe.
I'm just sittin' on go,
Ah, but like always,
I told him over and over, "Now don't you be late."
Time flies fast and he is slower than a.....
Instead of waitin' on Joe, whaddya know.

I'd get on with my life and never look back.
Man if I could be more like that,
Down the mighty river it rolls.
Once that whistle blows,
What's not on board and who's not there.
Towboat's a leavin' 'cause it don't care.

And waitin' on Joe.
I'm just sittin' on go,
Ah, but like always,
I told him over and over: "Now don't you be late."
Time flies fast and he is slower than a.....
I'm a waitin' on Joe, whaddya know.

'Cause the boy's in his own time zone
A week's pay says he's still at home,
To be at the dock by ten.
Now, I was countin' on him
And for Joe and me, it's some pretty good pay.
We're supposed to start work down on the river today.

Steve Azar
Waitin' On Joe (Video Version)

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WWaitin' OOn JJoe ((video VVerson) aitin' n oe video erson) aWitin' nO oJe v(ideo eVrson) aaitin' kn koe (vvideo berson) aWaitin' kOn kJoe (ideo bVerson)
Waaitin' Okn Jkoe (ivdeo Vberson) 3aitin' 9n ioe (bideo cerson) 3Waitin' 9On iJoe (bvideo cVerson) W3aitin' O9n Jioe (vbideo Vcerson) daitin' 0n moe (cideo gerson)
dWaitin' 0On mJoe (cvideo gVerson) Wdaitin' O0n Jmoe (vcideo Vgerson) eaitin' ln noe (gideo ferson) eWaitin' lOn nJoe (gvideo fVerson) Weaitin' Oln Jnoe (vgideo Vferson)
saitin' in hoe (fideo Veerson) sWaitin' iOn hJoe (fvideo Vrson) Wsaitin' Oin Jhoe (vfideo Vreson) 2aitin' Onn uoe (viideo Vsrson) 2Waitin' O uJoe (vdeo Vserson)
W2aitin' On Juoe (vdieo Vesrson) qaitin' Om Jooe (vjdeo V3rson) qWaitin' Omn Je (vjideo V3erson) Wqaitin' Onm Jeo (vijdeo Ve3rson) Oh Jke (v9deo Vfrson)
Witin' Ohn (v9ideo Wiatin' Onh Joke (vi9deo Vefrson) Wzitin' Oj J9e (vldeo Vrrson) Wzaitin' Ojn J9oe (vlideo Vrerson) Wazitin' Onj Jo9e (vildeo Verrson)
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