Home To Me

That's my home to me,
That's my home to me,
Please don't take it from me,
Please don't take it from me, from me.

Electric lights, blurs my stare,
I'm crawling for a space to breath,
Why should my home concern your needs?
Please don't take it from me, me,

A baby chair, a rocking horse,
A nervous wreck, a memory loss,
And sleeping pills, ease the pain,
I'm coming back,
I'm back again, again.

That's my home, that's my life to me,
Please don't take it away from me,
Please don't, take it from me.

Mirror lyrics:

Please don't, take it from me.
Please don't take it away from me,
That's my home, that's my life to me,

I'm back again, again.
I'm coming back,
And sleeping pills, ease the pain,
A nervous wreck, a memory loss,
A baby chair, a rocking horse,

Please don't take it from me, me,
Why should my home concern your needs?
I'm crawling for a space to breath,
Electric lights, blurs my stare,

Please don't take it from me, from me.
Please don't take it from me,
That's my home to me,
That's my home to me,

Relevant Tags:
HHome TTo MMe ome o e oHme oT eM jome fo je jHome fTo jMe Hjome Tfo Mje uome 5o ke uHome 5To kMe Huome T5o Mke nome ho ne nHome hTo nMe
Hnome Tho Mne bome yo Mee bHome yTo M Hbome Tyo Me gome 6o Ms gHome 6To Mse Hgome T6o Mes yome go M3 yHome gTo M3e Hyome Tgo Me3 Hoome ro Mf
Hme rTo Mfe Hmoe Tro Mef Hkme Too Mr Hkome T Mre Hokme To Mer H9me Tk M4 H9ome Tko M4e Ho9me Tok Me4 H0me T9 Md H0ome T9o Mde Ho0me To9 Med
Hlme T0 Mw Hlome T0o Mwe Holme To0 Mew Hime Tl

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