Steve Green
Children Are A Treasure From The Lord

Halls ring with echoes of laughter
Long after they've come and gone
For the memory of a tiny face and playful grin
Still brings a smile, reminding us again
That children are a treasure from the Lord

Songs sweetly sung by the cradle
Prayers whispered just before bed
And we taught them "Jesus loves you" in a simple song
And we pray they won't forget their whole life long
Children are a treasure from the Lord
Those bright and trusting eyes
Seem to take us by surprise
And they see what others older seem to miss
May the gift of faith they hold
Grow as they grow old
May they always know God will never let them go

At six they're beginning their school days
Sixteen and they're driving the car
And at twenty-one we'll let them go on their first date
But of course they'll be at home in bed by eight
Yes, children are a treasure from the Lord

Homes ring with echoes of laughter
Long after they've come and gone
And just knowing that our children really love the Lord
Is a faithful parent's passion and reward
Yes, children are a treasure from the Lord
Children are a treasure from the Lord
Yes, children are a treasure from the Lord


Mirror lyrics:


Yes, children are a treasure from the Lord
Children are a treasure from the Lord
Yes, children are a treasure from the Lord
Is a faithful parent's passion and reward
And just knowing that our children really love the Lord
Long after they've come and gone
Homes ring with echoes of laughter

Yes, children are a treasure from the Lord
But of course they'll be at home in bed by eight
And at twenty-one we'll let them go on their first date
Sixteen and they're driving the car
At six they're beginning their school days

May they always know God will never let them go
Grow as they grow old
May the gift of faith they hold
And they see what others older seem to miss
Seem to take us by surprise
Those bright and trusting eyes
Children are a treasure from the Lord
And we pray they won't forget their whole life long
And we taught them "Jesus loves you" in a simple song
Prayers whispered just before bed
Songs sweetly sung by the cradle

That children are a treasure from the Lord
Still brings a smile, reminding us again
For the memory of a tiny face and playful grin
Long after they've come and gone
Halls ring with echoes of laughter

Relevant Tags:
CChildren AAre AA TTreasure FFrom TThe LLord hildren re reasure rom he ord hCildren rAe A rTeasure rFom hTe oLrd
fhildren zre z freasure crom fhe kord fChildren zAre zA fTreasure cFrom fThe kLord Cfhildren Azre Az Tfreasure Fcrom Tfhe Lkord
xhildren qre q 5reasure rrom 5he oord xChildren qAre qA 5Treasure rFrom 5The oLord Cxhildren Aqre Aq T5reasure Frrom T5he Loord
vhildren sre s hreasure grom hhe pord vChildren sAre sA hTreasure gFrom hThe pLord Cvhildren Asre As Threasure Fgrom Thhe Lpord
dhildren wre w yreasure trom yhe dChildren wAre wA yTreasure tFrom yThe Lrd Cdhildren Awre Aw Tyreasure Ftrom Tyhe Lrod
Chhildren xre x 6reasure vrom 6he Lkrd Cildren xAre xA 6Treasure vFrom 6The Cihldren Axre Ax T6reasure Fvrom T6he Lokrd
Cjildren Arre greasure drom ghe L9rd Cjhildren Ae gTreasure dFrom gThe L9ord Chjildren Aer Tgreasure Fdrom Tghe Lo9rd
Cuildren Ade rreasure rhe L0rd Cuhildren Adre rTreasure Fom rThe L0ord Chuildren Arde Trreasure Form Trhe Lo0rd
Cnildren A4e Fdom Llrd Cnhildren A4re Teasure Te Llord Chnildren Ar4e Terasure Frdom Teh Lolrd
Cbildren Age Tdeasure F4om Tje Lird Cbhildren Agre Tdreasure F4rom Tjhe Liord Chbildren Arge Trdeasure Fr4om Thje Loird
Cgildren Ate T4easure Fgom Tue Lorrd Cghildren Atre T4reasure Tuhe Lod Chgildren Arte Tr4easure Frgom Thue Lodr
Cyildren A5e Tgeasure Ftom Tne Lodd Cyhildren A5re Tnhe Lodrd Chyildren Ar5e Trgeasure Frtom Thne Lordd
Chiildren Afe Tteasure F5om Tbe Lo4d Chldren Afre Ttreasure F5rom Tbhe Lo4rd Chlidren Arfe Trteasure Fr5om Thbe Lor4d
Chjldren Aee T5easure Ffom Tge Logd Aere Ffrom Logrd Chijldren Aree Tr5easure Frfom Thge Lorgd
Ch9ldren Tfeasure Feom Tye Lotd Ch9ildren Ar Ferom Lotrd Chi9ldren Are Trfeasure Freom Thye Lortd
Chlldren Ars Teeasure Froom Thee Lo5d Chlildren Arse Tereasure Frm Th Lo5rd Chilldren Ares Treeasure Frmo The Lor5d
Choldren Ar3 Frkm Ths Lofd Choildren Ar3e Trasure Frkom Thse Lofrd Chioldren Are3 Traesure Frokm Thes Lorfd
Chkldren Arf Trsasure Fr9m Th3 Loed Chkildren Trseasure Fr9om Th3e Loerd Chikldren Aref Tresasure Fro9m The3 Lored
Ch8ldren Arr Tr3asure Fr0m Thf Ch8ildren Tr3easure Fr0om Thfe Lor Chi8ldren Arer Tre3asure Fro0m Thef Lord
Chuldren Ar4 Trfasure Frlm Thr Lorx Frlom Thre Lorxd Chiuldren Are4 Trefasure Frolm Ther Lordx
Ard Trrasure Frim Th4 Lore Chidren Friom Th4e Chidlren Ared Trerasure Froim The4 Lorde
Chikdren Arw Tr4asure Fromm Thd Lorf Arwe Fro Thde Chilkdren Arew Tre4asure From Thed Lordf
Chiodren Trdasure Froj Thw Lorr Frojm Thwe Chilodren Tredasure Fromj Thew Lordr
Chipdren Trwasure Frok Lorc Chipldren Trweasure Lorcd Chilpdren Trewasure Fromk Lordc
Childdren Treaasure Fron Lors Chilren Tresure Fronm Lorsd Chilrden Tresaure Fromn Lords
Chilxren Trezsure Chilxdren Trezasure Childxren Treazsure
Chileren Treqsure Chiledren Treqasure Childeren Treaqsure

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