Steve Green
Say The Name

A more sweeter sounding word
These lips have never said
A gentle name so beautiful
My heart cannot forget
Just a whisper is enough
To set my soul at ease
Just thinking of this Name
Brings my heart to peace

Say the Name(Jesus)
Say the Name that soothes the soul
The Name of gentle healing
And peace and immutable
I'll say the Name that has heard my cry
Has seen my tears and wiped them dry
From now until the end of time
I'll say the Name

May I never grow so strong that
That my heart cannot be moved
May I never grow so weak
That I fear to speak the truth
I will say this holy Name
No matter who agrees
For no other name on earth
Means so much to me

(repeat chorus)

With all the honor I can find
With all my heart, my soul, my mind
I will say the Name
Without defense, without shame
I will always speak the Name
Of Jesus

(repeat chorus)

From now until the end of time
Say the Name

Mirror lyrics:

Say the Name
From now until the end of time

(repeat chorus)

Of Jesus
I will always speak the Name
Without defense, without shame
I will say the Name
With all my heart, my soul, my mind
With all the honor I can find

(repeat chorus)

Means so much to me
For no other name on earth
No matter who agrees
I will say this holy Name
That I fear to speak the truth
May I never grow so weak
That my heart cannot be moved
May I never grow so strong that

I'll say the Name
From now until the end of time
Has seen my tears and wiped them dry
I'll say the Name that has heard my cry
And peace and immutable
The Name of gentle healing
Say the Name that soothes the soul
Say the Name(Jesus)

Brings my heart to peace
Just thinking of this Name
To set my soul at ease
Just a whisper is enough
My heart cannot forget
A gentle name so beautiful
These lips have never said
A more sweeter sounding word

Relevant Tags:
SSay TThe NName ay he ame aSy hTe aNme zay fhe mame zSay fThe mName Szay Tfhe Nmame way 5he hame wSay 5The hName Sway T5he Nhame
day hhe jame dSay hThe jName Sday Thhe Njame eay yhe bame eSay yThe bName Seay Tyhe Nbame xay 6he Naame xSay 6The Nme Sxay T6he Nmae
aay ghe Nzme aSay gThe Nzame Saay Tghe Nazme rhe Nqme Sy rThe Nqame Sya Trhe Naqme Szy Nsme Te Nsame Sazy Teh Nasme
Sqy Tje Nwme Sqay Tjhe Nwame Saqy Thje Nawme Ssy Tue Nxme Ssay Tuhe Nxame Sasy Thue Naxme Swy Tne Namme Tnhe Nae

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