Straylight Run
Cover Your Eyes

Cover your eyes
And reach into your ears
Pull out what you've heard
And replace it with anything
Add to your body
Well take some away
Cut it and fill it in
Whatever it takes
To be some sort of beautiful
Phony and frightening
Some sort of beautiful
Phony and frightening
Oooo we must care for these little ones
We must keep them safe
From the horrible ideas
And the people who have them
They're too young
For wondering
Too young for wishing
To be something other than what they were meant to be
Tell them they're beautiful
Perfectly placed
Tell them they're beautiful
Perfectly placed
Love and be loved
Take air into your lungs
And turn into the most beautiful sound you can make
Ooh ohhh oahhh
Cover your eyes
And reach into your ears
Pull out what you've heard and replace it with anything

Mirror lyrics:

Pull out what you've heard and replace it with anything
And reach into your ears
Cover your eyes
Ooh ohhh oahhh
And turn into the most beautiful sound you can make
Take air into your lungs
Love and be loved
Perfectly placed
Tell them they're beautiful
Perfectly placed
Tell them they're beautiful
To be something other than what they were meant to be
Too young for wishing
For wondering
They're too young
And the people who have them
From the horrible ideas
We must keep them safe
Oooo we must care for these little ones
Phony and frightening
Some sort of beautiful
Phony and frightening
To be some sort of beautiful
Whatever it takes
Cut it and fill it in
Well take some away
Add to your body
And replace it with anything
Pull out what you've heard
And reach into your ears
Cover your eyes

Relevant Tags:
CCover YYour EEyes over our yes oCver oYur yEes fover gour syes fCover gYour sEyes Cfover Ygour Esyes xover hour 3yes
xCover hYour 3Eyes Cxover Yhour E3yes vover 6our fyes vCover 6Your fEyes Cvover Y6our Efyes dover uour ryes dCover uYour rEyes
Cdover Yuour Eryes Coover 7our 4yes Cver 7Your 4Eyes Cvoer Y7our E4yes Ckver jour dyes Ckover jYour dEyes Cokver Yjour Edyes
C9ver tour wyes C9over tYour wEyes Co9ver Ytour Ewyes C0ver Yoour Eyyes C0over Yur Ees Co0ver Yuor Eeys Clver Ykur Eges
Clover Ykour Egyes Colver Yokur Eyges Civer Y9ur Ehes Ciover Y9our Ehyes Coiver Yo9ur Eyhes Covver Y0ur E6es Coer Y0our E6yes
Coevr Yo0ur Ey6es Cober Ylur Eues Cobver Ylour Euyes Covber Yolur Eyues Cocer Yiur E7es Cocver Yiour E7yes Covcer Yoiur Ey7es
Coger Youur Ejes Cogver Yor Ejyes Covger Yoru Eyjes

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