That Which Once Was Mine

Strawbs - That Which Once Was Mine

If in some capricious moment
I should give you cause to fear
Then you have but to remember
That my being here is mere fortune
For the rules have laid down
To guide the thoughts of those who stray.

If in some deserted hour
We should murmur last goodbyes
With the snowflakes falling softly
As the tears well in your eyes
Then we kiss but once and walk away
Never turning round
And the snow falls on our footsteps
Leaving nothing to be found.

And my life is yet determined
By the span of what it holds
And the span grows ever shorter
As my lifetime folds away.

Strawbs, 1969, Side 1, Track

Mirror lyrics:

Strawbs, 1969, Side 1, Track

As my lifetime folds away.
And the span grows ever shorter
By the span of what it holds
And my life is yet determined

Leaving nothing to be found.
And the snow falls on our footsteps
Never turning round
Then we kiss but once and walk away
As the tears well in your eyes
With the snowflakes falling softly
We should murmur last goodbyes
If in some deserted hour

To guide the thoughts of those who stray.
For the rules have laid down
That my being here is mere fortune
Then you have but to remember
I should give you cause to fear
If in some capricious moment

Strawbs - That Which Once Was Mine

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TThat WWhich OOnce WWas MMine hat hich nce as ine hTat hWich nOce aWs iMne fhat ahich knce aas jine fThat aWhich kOnce aWas jMine Tfhat Wahich Oknce Waas Mjine
5hat 3hich 9nce 3as kine 5That 3Which 9Once 3Was kMine T5hat W3hich O9nce W3as Mkine hhat dhich 0nce das nine hThat dWhich 0Once dWas nMine Thhat Wdhich O0nce Wdas Mnine
yhat ehich lnce eas Miine yThat eWhich lOnce eWas Mne Tyhat Wehich Olnce Weas Mnie 6hat shich ince sas Mjne 6That sWhich iOnce sWas T6hat Wshich Oince Wsas Mijne
ghat 2hich Onnce 2as M9ne gThat 2Which Oce 2Was M9ine Tghat W2hich Ocne W2as Mi9ne rhat qhich Omce qas Mlne rThat qWhich Omnce qWas Mline Trhat Wqhich Onmce Wqas Milne
Whhich Ohce Mone Tat Wich Ohnce Ws Moine Taht Wihch Onhce Wsa Mione Tjat Wjich Ojce Wzs Mkne Tjhat Wjhich Ojnce Wzas Thjat Whjich Onjce Wazs Mikne
Tuat Wuich Obce Wqs M8ne Tuhat Wuhich Obnce M8ine Thuat Whuich Onbce Waqs Mi8ne Tnat Wnich Oncce Wss Mune Tnhat Wnhich One Muine Thnat Whnich Onec Wass Miune
Tbat Wbich Onfe Wws Minne Tbhat Wbhich Onfce Wwas Mie Thbat Whbich Oncfe Waws Mien Tgat Wgich Onxe Wxs Mime Wghich Onxce Wxas Mimne Thgat Whgich Oncxe Waxs Minme
Tyat Wyich Onve Mihe Wyhich Onvce Wa Mihne Thyat Whyich Oncve Was Minhe Thaat Whiich Onde Waz Mije Tht Whch Ondce Thta Whcih Oncde Wasz Minje
Thzt Whjch Oncee Waw Mibe Thzat Onc Mibne Thazt Whijch Once Wasw Minbe Thqt Wh9ch Oncs Wad Minee

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