A Thounsand Years (feat. Mariza)

A thousand years, a thousand more
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls

Por milénios mais, gritos e ais, fados fatais
Como sabores eternos da saudade
I could shed another million tears, a million breaths,
A million names but only one truth to face

I Still love you

A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time

Minha alma deriva mais vadia, mais vazia,
Neste espaço de sol posto.
Then following this single point, this single flame,
This single haunted memory of your face

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me

Mirror lyrics:

'Til you love me
Eternities still unsaid
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Like galaxies in my head
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
I still want you
I still love you

I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
I may be numberless, I may be innocent

Like galaxies in my head
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
I still want you
I still love you

This single haunted memory of your face
Then following this single point, this single flame,
Neste espaço de sol posto.
Minha alma deriva mais vadia, mais vazia,

A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
A million roads, a million fears

I Still love you

A million names but only one truth to face
I could shed another million tears, a million breaths,
Como sabores eternos da saudade
Por milénios mais, gritos e ais, fados fatais

To a tower of souls
An endless turning stairway climbs
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
A thousand years, a thousand more

Relevant Tags:
AA TThounsand YYears ((feat. MMariza) hounsand ears feat. ariza) A hTounsand eYars f(eat. aMriza) z fhounsand gears (ffeat. jariza) zA fThounsand gYears (eat. jMariza)
Az Tfhounsand Ygears (efat. Mjariza) q 5hounsand hears (ceat. kariza) qA 5Thounsand hYears (cfeat. kMariza) Aq T5hounsand Yhears (fceat. Mkariza) s hhounsand 6ears (reat. nariza)
sA hThounsand 6Years (rfeat. nMariza) As Thhounsand Y6ears (freat. Mnariza) w yhounsand uears (geat. Maariza) wA yThounsand uYears (gfeat. Mriza) Aw Tyhounsand Yuears (fgeat. Mraiza)
x 6hounsand 7ears (teat. Mzriza) xA 6Thounsand 7Years (tfeat. Mzariza) Ax T6hounsand Y7ears (fteat. Mazriza) ghounsand jears (veat. Mqriza) gThounsand jYears (vfeat. Mqariza)
Tghounsand Yjears (fveat. Maqriza) rhounsand tears (deat. Msriza) rThounsand tYears (dfeat. Msariza) Trhounsand Ytears (fdeat. Masriza) Yeears (feeat. Mwriza)
Tounsand Yars (fat. Mwariza) Tohunsand Yaers (faet. Mawriza) Tjounsand Ysars (fsat. Mxriza) Tjhounsand Ysears (fseat. Mxariza) Thjounsand Yesars (fesat. Maxriza)
Tuounsand Y3ars (f3at. Marriza) Tuhounsand Y3ears (f3eat. Maiza) Thuounsand Ye3ars (fe3at. Mairza) Tnounsand Yfars (ffat. Madiza) Tnhounsand Yfears Madriza)
Thnounsand Yefars (fefat. Mardiza) Tbounsand Yrars (frat. Ma4iza) Tbhounsand Yrears Ma4riza) Thbounsand Yerars (ferat. Mar4iza) Tgounsand Y4ars (f4at. Magiza)
Y4ears (f4eat. Magriza) Thgounsand Ye4ars (fe4at. Margiza) Tyounsand Ydars (fdat. Matiza) Ydears Matriza) Thyounsand Yedars (fedat. Martiza)
Thoounsand Ywars (fwat. Ma5iza) Thunsand Ywears (fweat. Ma5riza) Thuonsand Yewars (fewat. Mar5iza) Thkunsand Yeaars (feaat. Mafiza) Thkounsand Yers (fet. Mafriza)
Thokunsand Yeras (feta. Marfiza) Th9unsand Yezrs (fezt. Maeiza) Th9ounsand Yezars (fezat. Maeriza) Tho9unsand Yeazrs (feazt. Mareiza) Th0unsand Yeqrs (feqt. Mariiza)
Th0ounsand Yeqars (feqat. Marza) Tho0unsand Yeaqrs (feaqt. Marzia) Thlunsand Yesrs (fest. Marjza) Thlounsand Marjiza) Tholunsand Yeasrs (feast. Marijza)
Thiunsand Yewrs (fewt. Mar9za) Thiounsand Mar9iza) Thoiunsand Yeawrs (feawt. Mari9za) Thouunsand Yexrs (fext. Marlza) Thonsand Yexars (fexat. Marliza)
Thonusand Yeaxrs (feaxt. Marilza) Thohnsand Yearrs (featt. Maroza) Thohunsand Yeas (fea. Maroiza) Thouhnsand Yeasr (fea.t Marioza) Tho7nsand Yeads (feaf. Markza)
Tho7unsand Yeadrs (feaft. Markiza) Thou7nsand Yeards (featf. Marikza) Thoknsand Yea4s (fea5. Mar8za) Yea4rs (fea5t. Mar8iza) Thouknsand Year4s (feat5. Mari8za)
Thoinsand Yeags (feah. Maruza) Yeagrs (feaht. Maruiza) Thouinsand Yeargs (feath. Mariuza) Tho8nsand Yeats (feay. Marizza) Tho8unsand Yeatrs (feayt. Maria)
Thou8nsand Yearts (featy. Mariaz) Thojnsand Yea5s (fea6. Mariaa) Thojunsand Yea5rs (fea6t. Mariaza)

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