Stina Nordenstam
Memories Of A Color

I'm searching for a color
Don't think it's got a name
It's something between pink and brown
Just like when the sun sets
Sometimes when it rains
Like it's the first time you see it go down

Me and my boat
Have been out for years now
My collection of china's complete
Except for that one piece
I won't be satisfied
I once held it but it disappeared

They've stolen my wallet
Now I'm finally broke
Now I've finally got nothing to lose
Your picture was in it
The one thing that you left
With that photo I've lost you for good

I walk down to the port
Take my motorboat
And go out and turn the motor off
And listen to the waves
I lay very still
I try not to think
Try not to breathe at all

Mirror lyrics:

Try not to breathe at all
I try not to think
I lay very still
And listen to the waves
And go out and turn the motor off
Take my motorboat
I walk down to the port

With that photo I've lost you for good
The one thing that you left
Your picture was in it
Now I've finally got nothing to lose
Now I'm finally broke
They've stolen my wallet

I once held it but it disappeared
I won't be satisfied
Except for that one piece
My collection of china's complete
Have been out for years now
Me and my boat

Like it's the first time you see it go down
Sometimes when it rains
Just like when the sun sets
It's something between pink and brown
Don't think it's got a name
I'm searching for a color

Relevant Tags:
MMemories OOf AA CColor emories f olor eMmories fO A oClor jemories kf z folor jMemories kOf zA fColor Mjemories Okf Az Cfolor
kemories 9f q xolor kMemories 9Of qA xColor Mkemories O9f Aq Cxolor nemories 0f s volor nMemories 0Of sA vColor Mnemories O0f As Cvolor
Meemories lf w dolor Mmories lOf wA dColor Mmeories Olf Aw Cdolor Msmories if x Coolor Msemories iOf xA Clor Mesmories Oif Ax Cloor
M3mories Off Cklor M3emories O Ckolor Me3mories Of Coklor Mfmories Oc C9lor Mfemories Ocf C9olor Mefmories Ofc Co9lor
Mrmories Or C0lor Mremories Orf C0olor Mermories Ofr Co0lor M4mories Og Cllor M4emories Ogf Clolor Me4mories Ofg Collor
Mdmories Ot Cilor Mdemories Otf Ciolor Medmories Oft Coilor Mwmories Ov Mwemories Ovf Coor Mewmories Ofv Coolr
Memmories Od Cokor Meories Odf Meomries Ofd Colkor Mejories Cooor Mejmories Memjories Coloor
Mekories Copor Mekmories Coplor Memkories Colpor Menories Menmories Colr Memnories Colro
Memoories Colkr Memries Memroies Colokr Memkries Col9r Col9or Memokries Colo9r
Mem9ries Col0r Mem9ories Col0or Memo9ries Colo0r Mem0ries Collr Mem0ories Memo0ries Cololr
Memlries Colir Memlories Colior Memolries Coloir Memiries Colorr Memiories Colo Memoiries Color
Memorries Colod Memoies Colodr Memoires Colord Memodies Colo4 Memodries Colo4r Memordies Color4
Memo4ies Colog Memo4ries Cologr Memor4ies Colorg Memogies Colot Memogries Colotr

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