High Crimes And Misdemeanors (hip Hop Cracy)

They want you to believe
The unbelievable
They say you should accept
The unacceptable
Forget your common sense
It isn't sensible
Good times for fools and dreamers

Watch 'em all deny
The undeniable
See how they refute
The unrefutable
They're ready to defend
The indefensible
High times for lawyer schemers

They say we must forgive
The forgivable
They want us to respect
The unrespectable
The pious and the hip
So hypocritical
High crimes and misdemeanors

Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop

See how they explain
The inexplicable
Watch 'em debate
The undebatable
Apparently a lie
Is never liable
Prime time for talk show screamers

They say we constitute
The Constitutional
With justice here for all
So justifiable
I'm tryin' not to laugh
But man it's laughable
High crimes and misdemeanors

Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop

And so
Today we find
They've changed their minds
They've switched their points of view

Oh what tangled webs they weave
When their beliefs ain't really
What they believe

They're trying to divide
The indivisible
Because they think we're fools
So foolable
I'm tryin' not to laugh
But man it's laughable
Boom times for Wall Street dreamers
They want you to believe
The unbelievable
They say we should accept
The unacceptable
The pious and the hip
So hypocritical
High crimes and misdemeanors

High crimes and misdemeanors
High crimes and misdemeanors

Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop

Mirror lyrics:

Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop

High crimes and misdemeanors
High crimes and misdemeanors

High crimes and misdemeanors
So hypocritical
The pious and the hip
The unacceptable
They say we should accept
The unbelievable
They want you to believe
Boom times for Wall Street dreamers
But man it's laughable
I'm tryin' not to laugh
So foolable
Because they think we're fools
The indivisible
They're trying to divide

What they believe
When their beliefs ain't really
Oh what tangled webs they weave

They've switched their points of view
They've changed their minds
Today we find
And so

Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop

High crimes and misdemeanors
But man it's laughable
I'm tryin' not to laugh
So justifiable
With justice here for all
The Constitutional
They say we constitute

Prime time for talk show screamers
Is never liable
Apparently a lie
The undebatable
Watch 'em debate
The inexplicable
See how they explain

Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop
Hip hop hip hop-cracy hip hop

High crimes and misdemeanors
So hypocritical
The pious and the hip
The unrespectable
They want us to respect
The forgivable
They say we must forgive

High times for lawyer schemers
The indefensible
They're ready to defend
The unrefutable
See how they refute
The undeniable
Watch 'em all deny

Good times for fools and dreamers
It isn't sensible
Forget your common sense
The unacceptable
They say you should accept
The unbelievable
They want you to believe

Relevant Tags:
HHigh CCrimes AAnd MMisdemeanors ((hip HHop CCracy) igh rimes nd isdemeanors hip op racy) iHgh rCimes nAd iMsdemeanors h(ip oHp rCacy)
jigh frimes znd jisdemeanors (hhip jop fracy) jHigh fCrimes zAnd jMisdemeanors (ip jHop fCracy) Hjigh Cfrimes Aznd Mjisdemeanors (ihp Hjop Cfracy)
uigh xrimes qnd kisdemeanors (jip uop xracy) uHigh xCrimes qAnd kMisdemeanors (jhip uHop xCracy) Huigh Cxrimes Aqnd Mkisdemeanors (hjip Huop Cxracy)
nigh vrimes snd nisdemeanors (uip nop vracy) nHigh vCrimes sAnd nMisdemeanors (uhip nHop vCracy) Hnigh Cvrimes Asnd Mnisdemeanors (huip Hnop Cvracy)
bigh drimes wnd Miisdemeanors (nip bop dracy) bHigh dCrimes wAnd Msdemeanors (nhip bHop dCracy) Hbigh Cdrimes Awnd Msidemeanors (hnip Hbop Cdracy)
gigh Crrimes xnd Mjsdemeanors (bip gop Crracy) gHigh Cimes xAnd (bhip gHop Cacy) Hgigh Cirmes Axnd Mijsdemeanors (hbip Hgop Carcy)
yigh Cdimes Annd M9sdemeanors (gip yop Cdacy) yHigh Ad M9isdemeanors (ghip yHop Hyigh Crdimes Adn Mi9sdemeanors (hgip Hyop Crdacy)
Hiigh C4imes Amd Mlsdemeanors (yip Hoop C4acy) Hgh C4rimes Amnd Mlisdemeanors (yhip Hp C4racy) Hgih Cr4imes Anmd Milsdemeanors (hyip Hpo Cr4acy)
Hjgh Cgimes Ahd Mosdemeanors (hiip Hkp Cgacy) Cgrimes Ahnd Moisdemeanors (hp Hkop Cgracy) Hijgh Crgimes Anhd Miosdemeanors (hpi Hokp Crgacy)
H9gh Ctimes Ajd Mksdemeanors (hjp H9p Ctacy) H9igh Ctrimes Ajnd H9op Ctracy) Hi9gh Crtimes Anjd Miksdemeanors (hijp Ho9p Crtacy)
Hlgh C5imes Abd M8sdemeanors (h9p H0p C5acy) Hligh C5rimes Abnd M8isdemeanors (h9ip H0op C5racy) Hilgh Cr5imes Anbd Mi8sdemeanors (hi9p Ho0p Cr5acy)
Hogh Cfimes Andd Musdemeanors (hlp Hlp Cfacy) Hoigh An Muisdemeanors (hlip Hlop Hiogh Crfimes And Miusdemeanors (hilp Holp Crfacy)
Hkgh Ceimes Anx Missdemeanors (hop Hip Ceacy) Hkigh Cerimes Anxd Midemeanors (hoip Hiop Ceracy) Hikgh Creimes Andx Midsemeanors (hiop Hoip Creacy)
H8gh Criimes Ane Mizdemeanors (hkp Hopp Craacy) H8igh Crmes Aned Mizsdemeanors (hkip Ho Crcy) Hi8gh Crmies Ande Miszdemeanors (hikp Hop Crcay)
Hugh Crjmes Anf Miwdemeanors (h8p Ho0 Crzcy) Crjimes Anfd Miwsdemeanors (h8ip Crzacy) Hiugh Crijmes Andf Miswdemeanors (hi8p Hop0 Crazcy)
Higgh Cr9mes Anr Middemeanors (hup Hol Crqcy) Hih Cr9imes Anrd Midsdemeanors Crqacy) Hihg Cri9mes Andr Misddemeanors (hiup Hopl Craqcy)
Hihh Crlmes Anc Miedemeanors (hipp Hoo Crscy) Hihgh Crlimes Ancd Miesdemeanors (hi Crsacy) Highh Crilmes Andc Misedemeanors (hip Hopo Crascy)
Hiyh Cromes Ans Mixdemeanors (hi0 Crwcy) Hiygh Croimes Ansd Mixsdemeanors (hi0p Crwacy) Higyh Criomes Ands Misxdemeanors (hip0 Crawcy)
Hibh Crkmes Miademeanors (hil Crxcy) Hibgh Crkimes Miasdemeanors Crxacy) Higbh Crikmes Misademeanors (hipl Craxcy)
Hivh Cr8mes (hio Craccy) Hivgh Cr8imes Misemeanors Cray) Higvh Cri8mes Misedmeanors (hipo Crayc)
Hifh Crumes Misxemeanors Crafy) Hifgh Cruimes Crafcy) Higfh Criumes Misdxemeanors Cracfy)
Hith Crimmes Miseemeanors Craxy) Hitgh Cries Higth Criems Misdeemeanors Cracxy)
Crijes Misfemeanors Cravy) Hig Misfdemeanors Cravcy) High Crimjes Misdfemeanors Cracvy)
Higj Crikes Misremeanors Crady) Higjh Misrdemeanors Cradcy) Highj Crimkes Misdremeanors Cracdy)
Higu Crines Miscemeanors Cracyy) Higuh Crinmes Miscdemeanors Crac) Highu Crimnes Misdcemeanors Crac)y
Hign Crimees Missemeanors Cracg) Hignh Crims Cracgy) Highn Crimse Misdsemeanors Cracyg)
Higb Crimss Crach) Crimses Misdmeanors Crachy) Highb Crimess Misdmeeanors Cracyh)
Higg Crim3s Misdsmeanors Crac6) Crim3es Crac6y) Highg Crime3s Misdesmeanors Cracy6)
Higy Crimfs Misd3meanors Cracu) Crimfes Misd3emeanors Cracuy) Highy Crimefs Misde3meanors Cracyu)
Crimrs Misdfmeanors Crac7) Crimres Crac7y) Crimers Misdefmeanors Cracy7)

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