Haven't We Been Here Before

Haven't we been here before
Footsteps lead down to the note on the door
That says I can't stay here anymore

And haven't we felt this same way
Sure in our hearts, but afraid just the same
To say I can't stay one minute more

You might think that it's hopeless
Beyond our control
But that's not necessarily so
Can't you see there's a chance
For the daring young soul
Who's finally learned to say no

No, I won't be misused
Ignored or refused
And I won't just give up and let go

So tonight hold me close to you
And don't give up what's important to you
And as time rolls on
Nothing can stand in our way

And I believe if we learn from the past
We'd say haven't we been here before?
And I believe if we opened our hearts
We'd find keys to unlock every door
Dark would turn into light
We'd be strong
We'd be right

So tonight hold me close to you
And don't give up what's important to you
And as time rolls on
Nothing will stand in our way

And I believe if we learn from the past
We'd say haven't we been here before
Oh, and I believe if we open our hearts
We'd find keys to unlock every door
Hearts could change overnight
We'd be strong...We'd be right
So stay with me now
The future is ours
And we'll be the ones who go on

Mirror lyrics:

And we'll be the ones who go on
The future is ours
So stay with me now
We'd be strong...We'd be right
Hearts could change overnight
We'd find keys to unlock every door
Oh, and I believe if we open our hearts
We'd say haven't we been here before
And I believe if we learn from the past

Nothing will stand in our way
And as time rolls on
And don't give up what's important to you
So tonight hold me close to you

We'd be right
We'd be strong
Dark would turn into light
We'd find keys to unlock every door
And I believe if we opened our hearts
We'd say haven't we been here before?
And I believe if we learn from the past

Nothing can stand in our way
And as time rolls on
And don't give up what's important to you
So tonight hold me close to you

And I won't just give up and let go
Ignored or refused
No, I won't be misused

Who's finally learned to say no
For the daring young soul
Can't you see there's a chance
But that's not necessarily so
Beyond our control
You might think that it's hopeless

To say I can't stay one minute more
Sure in our hearts, but afraid just the same
And haven't we felt this same way

That says I can't stay here anymore
Footsteps lead down to the note on the door
Haven't we been here before

Relevant Tags:
HHaven't WWe BBeen HHere BBefore aven't e een ere efore aHven't eW eBen eHre eBfore javen't ae veen jere vefore jHaven't aWe vBeen jHere vBefore
Hjaven't Wae Bveen Hjere Bvefore uaven't 3e geen uere gefore uHaven't 3We gBeen uHere gBefore Huaven't W3e Bgeen Huere Bgefore naven't de neen nere nefore
nHaven't dWe nBeen nHere nBefore Hnaven't Wde Bneen Hnere Bnefore baven't ee heen bere hefore bHaven't eWe hBeen bHere hBefore Hbaven't Wee Bheen Hbere Bhefore
gaven't se Beeen gere Beefore gHaven't sWe Ben gHere Bfore Hgaven't Wse Been Hgere Bfeore yaven't 2e Bsen yere Bsfore yHaven't 2We Bseen yHere Bsefore
Hyaven't W2e Besen Hyere Besfore Haaven't qe B3en Heere B3fore Hven't qWe B3een Hre B3efore Hvaen't Wqe Be3en Hree Be3fore Hzven't Bfen Hsre Bffore
Hzaven't W Bfeen Hsere Bfefore Hazven't We Befen Hesre Beffore Hqven't Ws Bren H3re Brfore Hqaven't Breen H3ere Brefore Haqven't Wes Beren He3re Berfore
Hsven't W3 B4en Hfre B4fore Hsaven't B4een Hfere B4efore Hasven't We3 Be4en Hefre Be4fore Hwven't Wf Bden Hrre Bdfore Hwaven't Wfe Bdeen Hrere Bdefore
Hawven't Wef Beden Herre Bedfore Hxven't Wr Bwen H4re Bwfore Hxaven't Wre Bween H4ere Bwefore Haxven't Wer Bewen He4re Bewfore Havven't W4 Hdre
Haen't W4e Hdere Beore Haevn't We4 Bene Hedre Beofre Haben't Wd Besn Hwre Becore Habven't Hwere Becfore Havben't Wed Beesn Hewre Befcore
Hacen't Ww Be3n Berore Hacven't Wwe Hee Havcen't Wew Bee3n Heer Befrore Hagen't Befn Hede Begore Hagven't Begfore
Havgen't Beefn Herde Befgore Hafen't Bern He4e Betore Hafven't Betfore Havfen't Beern Her4e Beftore Haveen't Be4n Hege Bevore
Havn't Hegre Bevfore Havne't Bee4n Herge Befvore Havsn't Bedn Hete Bedore Havsen't Hetre Havesn't Beedn Herte Befdore

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