Style Council
Spin Driftin'

I was hoping to be found alive
In a pool of lies and an ocean of tears
I was looking for a ship, ahoy
I was waiting, bottom line, for a miracle, oh, oh

All I hope is that when they find me
I have the good sense to say a prayer
For all that is dear to me
I hope I still find them waiting there

You know I know that I should be grateful
It's not enough and no reason at all
It's only right to reveal my feelings
And even the best at times get bored

I was floating for quite a while
With my fingers resting in the deep blue sea
I was watching the spin drift dancing
Flowin' away to forever from me

I could have stayed forever
And Sunday, waiting for something or even someone
I could've watched the whole world pass me
Just for the sake of being reasonable

I was hoping to be found alive
In a pool of lies and an ocean of tears
I was looking for a ship, ahoy
I was waiting, bottom line, for a miracle

All I hope is that when they find me
I have the good sense to say a prayer
For all that is dear to me
I hope I still find them waiting there

You know I know that I should be grateful
It's not enough and no reason at all
It's only right to reveal my feelings
And even the best at times get bored

I could have stayed forever
And Sunday, waiting for something or even someone
I could've watched the whole world pass me
Just for the sake of being reasonable

Mirror lyrics:

Just for the sake of being reasonable
I could've watched the whole world pass me
And Sunday, waiting for something or even someone
I could have stayed forever

And even the best at times get bored
It's only right to reveal my feelings
It's not enough and no reason at all
You know I know that I should be grateful

I hope I still find them waiting there
For all that is dear to me
I have the good sense to say a prayer
All I hope is that when they find me

I was waiting, bottom line, for a miracle
I was looking for a ship, ahoy
In a pool of lies and an ocean of tears
I was hoping to be found alive

Just for the sake of being reasonable
I could've watched the whole world pass me
And Sunday, waiting for something or even someone
I could have stayed forever

Flowin' away to forever from me
I was watching the spin drift dancing
With my fingers resting in the deep blue sea
I was floating for quite a while

And even the best at times get bored
It's only right to reveal my feelings
It's not enough and no reason at all
You know I know that I should be grateful

I hope I still find them waiting there
For all that is dear to me
I have the good sense to say a prayer
All I hope is that when they find me

I was waiting, bottom line, for a miracle, oh, oh
I was looking for a ship, ahoy
In a pool of lies and an ocean of tears
I was hoping to be found alive

Relevant Tags:
SSpin DDriftin' pin riftin' pSin rDiftin' zpin xriftin' zSpin xDriftin' Szpin Dxriftin' wpin eriftin' wSpin eDriftin' Swpin Deriftin'
dpin friftin' dSpin fDriftin' Sdpin Dfriftin' epin rriftin' eSpin rDriftin' Sepin Drriftin' xpin criftin' xSpin cDriftin' Sxpin Dcriftin'
apin sriftin' aSpin sDriftin' Sapin Dsriftin' Sppin Sin Diftin' Sipn Dirftin' S0in Ddiftin' S0pin Ddriftin' Sp0in Drdiftin'
Slin D4iftin' Slpin D4riftin' Splin Dr4iftin' Soin Dgiftin' Sopin Dgriftin' Spoin Drgiftin' Spiin Dtiftin' Spn Dtriftin' Spni Drtiftin'
Spjn D5iftin' Spjin D5riftin' Spijn Dr5iftin' Sp9n Dfiftin' Sp9in Spi9n Drfiftin' Spln Deiftin' Spiln Dreiftin' Spon Driiftin'
Drftin' Spion Drfitin' Spkn Drjftin' Spkin Drjiftin' Spikn Drijftin' Sp8n Dr9ftin' Sp8in Dr9iftin' Spi8n Dri9ftin' Spun Drlftin'
Spuin Drliftin' Spiun Drilftin' Spinn Droftin' Spi Droiftin' Spin Drioftin' Spim Drkftin' Spimn Drkiftin' Spinm Drikftin' Spih Dr8ftin'
Spihn Dr8iftin' Spinh Dri8ftin' Spij Druftin' Druiftin' Spinj Driuftin' Spib Drifftin' Spibn Dritin' Spinb Dritfin' Drictin'

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