Sturm Und Drang
The Raven

Forests wrecked and cut,
flies the raven in the sky
He's got no home, no lonely hut,
he's forced to fly and fly

Shut your eyes, don't kill your dreams,
fly, trough the clouds above
Nothing is no longer what it seems,
turn all your anger to love

A lonely wolf was chased down there,
by people scared and poor
He's like you, he cannot share his life no more
Fly down raven to your friend,
leave destruction far behind
Fly and run until the end and finally ease your mind
Fly away like the raven

He was running free across the plains,
but now he's doomed to die
We're coming back you can be sure,
it's all just one big lie

Shut your eyes, don't kill your dreams,
fly trough the clouds above
Nothing is no longer what it seems,
turn all your anger to love




Mirror lyrics:




turn all your anger to love
Nothing is no longer what it seems,
fly trough the clouds above
Shut your eyes, don't kill your dreams,

it's all just one big lie
We're coming back you can be sure,
but now he's doomed to die
He was running free across the plains,

Fly away like the raven
Fly and run until the end and finally ease your mind
leave destruction far behind
Fly down raven to your friend,
He's like you, he cannot share his life no more
by people scared and poor
A lonely wolf was chased down there,

turn all your anger to love
Nothing is no longer what it seems,
fly, trough the clouds above
Shut your eyes, don't kill your dreams,

he's forced to fly and fly
He's got no home, no lonely hut,
flies the raven in the sky
Forests wrecked and cut,

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRaven he aven hTe aRven fhe daven fThe dRaven Tfhe Rdaven 5he 4aven 5The 4Raven T5he R4aven hhe gaven hThe gRaven
Thhe Rgaven yhe taven yThe tRaven Tyhe Rtaven 6he 5aven 6The 5Raven T6he R5aven ghe faven gThe fRaven Tghe Rfaven rhe eaven
rThe eRaven Trhe Reaven Raaven Te Rven Teh Rvaen Tje Rzven Tjhe Rzaven Thje Razven Tue Rqven Tuhe Rqaven Thue Raqven
Tne Rsven Tnhe Rsaven Thne Rasven Tbe Rwven Tbhe Rwaven Thbe Rawven Tge Rxven Rxaven Thge Raxven Tye Ravven Raen
Thye Raevn Thee Raben Th Rabven The Ravben

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