The World Of You And I

Verse 1
You're out there all alone
Searching endlessly for a home
You're happiness has gone away
Then you hear somebody say

We can have what everybody dreams about
We can say hello and never say goodbye
Love can last forever without any doubt
In the world of you and I

Verse 2
You've go to keep your faith
Follow me I'll lead the way
There doesn't have to be any pain
Forever you and I will reign

Repeat Chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus

Forever you and I will reign
There doesn't have to be any pain
Follow me I'll lead the way
You've go to keep your faith
Verse 2

In the world of you and I
Love can last forever without any doubt
We can say hello and never say goodbye
We can have what everybody dreams about

Then you hear somebody say
You're happiness has gone away
Searching endlessly for a home
You're out there all alone
Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWorld OOf YYou AAnd II he orld f ou nd hTe oWrld fO oYu nAd I fhe aorld kf gou znd j fThe aWorld kOf gYou zAnd jI Tfhe Waorld Okf Ygou Aznd Ij
5he 3orld 9f hou qnd 9 5The 3World 9Of hYou qAnd 9I T5he W3orld O9f Yhou Aqnd I9 hhe dorld 0f 6ou snd l hThe dWorld 0Of 6You sAnd lI Thhe Wdorld O0f Y6ou Asnd Il
yhe eorld lf uou wnd o yThe eWorld lOf uYou wAnd oI Tyhe Weorld Olf Yuou Awnd Io 6he sorld if 7ou xnd k 6The sWorld iOf 7You xAnd kI T6he Wsorld Oif Y7ou Axnd Ik
ghe 2orld Off jou Annd 8 gThe 2World O jYou Ad 8I Tghe W2orld Of Yjou Adn I8 rhe qorld Oc tou Amd u rThe qWorld Ocf tYou Amnd uI Trhe Wqorld Ofc Ytou Anmd Iu
Woorld Or Yoou Ahd Te Wrld Orf Yu Ahnd Teh Wrold Ofr Yuo Anhd Tje Wkrld Og Yku Ajd Tjhe Wkorld Ogf Ykou Ajnd Thje Wokrld Ofg Yoku Anjd
Tue W9rld Ot Y9u Abd Tuhe W9orld Otf Y9ou Abnd Thue Wo9rld Oft Yo9u Anbd Tne W0rld Ov Y0u Andd Tnhe W0orld Ovf Y0ou An Thne Wo0rld Ofv Yo0u And
Tbe Wlrld Od Ylu Anx Tbhe Wlorld Odf Ylou Anxd Thbe Wolrld Ofd Yolu Andx Tge Wirld Yiu Ane Wiorld Yiou Aned Thge Woirld Yoiu Ande
Tye Worrld Youu Anf Wold Yo Anfd Thye Wolrd You Andf Thee Wodld Yoh Anr Th Wodrld Yohu Anrd The Wordld Youh Andr
Ths Wo4ld Yo7 Anc Thse Wo4rld Yo7u Ancd

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