Sub Focus
Could This Be Real

I've seen it only in my dreams
I tried so hard, so you'd believe
But now that I'm gone
I'm feeling like this could be real [x3]

Now that I'm gone
I'm feeling like this, feeling like this

Feeling like this

But now that I'm gone
I'm feeling like this, feeling like this

Feeling like this

I've seen it only in my dreams
I tried so hard, so you'd believe
But now that I'm gone
I'm feeling like this could be real [x3]

Now that I'm gone
I'm feeling like this, feeling like this

Feeling like this

But now that I'm gone
I'm feeling like this, feeling like this

Feeling like this

Mirror lyrics:

Feeling like this

I'm feeling like this, feeling like this
But now that I'm gone

Feeling like this

I'm feeling like this, feeling like this
Now that I'm gone

I'm feeling like this could be real [x3]
But now that I'm gone
I tried so hard, so you'd believe
I've seen it only in my dreams

Feeling like this

I'm feeling like this, feeling like this
But now that I'm gone

Feeling like this

I'm feeling like this, feeling like this
Now that I'm gone

I'm feeling like this could be real [x3]
But now that I'm gone
I tried so hard, so you'd believe
I've seen it only in my dreams

Relevant Tags:
CCould TThis BBe RReal ould his e eal oCuld hTis eB eRal fould fhis ve deal fCould fThis vBe dReal Cfould Tfhis Bve Rdeal
xould 5his ge 4eal xCould 5This gBe 4Real Cxould T5his Bge R4eal vould hhis ne geal vCould hThis nBe gReal Cvould Thhis Bne Rgeal
dould yhis he teal dCould yThis hBe tReal Cdould Tyhis Bhe Rteal Coould 6his Bee 5eal Culd 6This B 5Real Cuold T6his Be R5eal
Ckuld ghis Bs feal Ckould gThis Bse fReal Cokuld Tghis Bes Rfeal C9uld rhis B3 eeal C9ould rThis B3e eReal Co9uld Trhis Be3 Reeal
C0uld Bf C0ould Tis Bfe Ral Co0uld Tihs Bef Rael Cluld Tjis Br Rsal Clould Tjhis Bre Rseal Coluld Thjis Ber Resal
Ciuld Tuis B4 R3al Ciould Tuhis B4e R3eal Coiuld Thuis Be4 Re3al Couuld Tnis Bd Rfal Cold Tnhis Bde Colud Thnis Bed Refal
Cohld Tbis Bw Rral Cohuld Tbhis Bwe Rreal Couhld Thbis Bew Reral Co7ld Tgis R4al Co7uld Cou7ld Thgis Re4al
Cokld Tyis Rdal

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