Stereo Motion
Tip Of My Tongue

When you came running
Screaming something
I said "Hey, I'll be your friend"
Speaking the words
That you never heard

With The Tip, the Tip of my Tongue

With the tip of my Tongue
I open the gates of love
With the tip of my Tongue
The Doors open up
Hear me now cause what I say
Can stick into your brain
For always

With The Tip, the Tip of my Tongue

Mirror lyrics:

With The Tip, the Tip of my Tongue

For always
Can stick into your brain
Hear me now cause what I say
The Doors open up
With the tip of my Tongue
I open the gates of love
With the tip of my Tongue

With The Tip, the Tip of my Tongue

That you never heard
Speaking the words
I said "Hey, I'll be your friend"
Screaming something
When you came running

Relevant Tags:
TTip OOf MMy TTongue ip f y ongue iTp fO yM oTngue fip kf jy fongue fTip kOf jMy fTongue Tfip Okf Mjy Tfongue 5ip 9f ky 5ongue
5Tip 9Of kMy 5Tongue T5ip O9f Mky T5ongue hip 0f ny hongue hTip 0Of nMy hTongue Thip O0f Mny Thongue yip lf Myy yongue yTip lOf M yTongue
Tyip Olf My Tyongue 6ip if Mg 6ongue 6Tip iOf Mgy 6Tongue T6ip Oif Myg T6ongue gip Off Mh gongue gTip O Mhy gTongue Tgip Of Myh Tgongue
rip Oc M6 rongue rTip Ocf M6y rTongue Trip Ofc My6 Trongue Tiip Or Mu Toongue Tp Orf Muy Tngue Tpi Ofr Myu Tnogue Tjp Og M7 Tkngue
Tjip Ogf M7y Tkongue Tijp Ofg My7 Tokngue T9p Ot Mj T9ngue T9ip Otf T9ongue Ti9p Oft Myj To9ngue Tlp Ov Mt T0ngue Tlip Ovf Mty T0ongue
Tilp Ofv Myt To0ngue Top Od Tlngue Toip Odf Tlongue Tiop Ofd Tolngue Tkp Tingue Tkip Tiongue Tikp Toingue
T8p Tonngue T8ip Togue Ti8p Tognue Tup Tomgue Tuip Tomngue Tiup Tonmgue Tipp Tohgue
Ti Tohngue Tip Tonhgue Ti0 Tojgue Ti0p Tojngue Tip0 Tonjgue Til Tobgue Tobngue
Tipl Tonbgue Tio Tonggue Tonue Tipo Tonuge Tonhue

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