
vous etiez l'evidence
vous n'etes plus que l'enigme
vous etiez l'evidence
vous n'etes plus que l'enigme
vous etiez l'eternite
vous n'etes que du passe

you were the evidence
now you're nothing but the enigma
you were the evidence
now you're nothing but the enigma
you were eternity
now you're just the past
translation by david

Mirror lyrics:

translation by david
now you're just the past
you were eternity
now you're nothing but the enigma
you were the evidence
now you're nothing but the enigma
you were the evidence

vous n'etes que du passe
vous etiez l'eternite
vous n'etes plus que l'enigme
vous etiez l'evidence
vous n'etes plus que l'enigme
vous etiez l'evidence

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