Spiritual Fantasy

Humanity grew weary
Of it's doubtful state of mind
So it summoned from far and called from near
All the wise men thought to be sincere
To heal it's wounds and make it whole
And the lead the way back to the soul

The charlatans they stayed behind
To count their bags of gold
And some stayed away as if to say
I know that my way's the only way
Afraid to learn they may be wrong
They preach their nothingness at home

But the wise men came together with the hope to free man kind
Of the rubbish that had gathered in god's name
To embrace and trust each other in the search for the supreme
And they found that all their teachings were the same

And when at last the word went round
That all were one and all
Many returned to seek the light
Nobody claimed that he was right
It's sad to know it's just a song
To dream and hope still can't be wrong

Mirror lyrics:

To dream and hope still can't be wrong
It's sad to know it's just a song
Nobody claimed that he was right
Many returned to seek the light
That all were one and all
And when at last the word went round

And they found that all their teachings were the same
To embrace and trust each other in the search for the supreme
Of the rubbish that had gathered in god's name
But the wise men came together with the hope to free man kind

They preach their nothingness at home
Afraid to learn they may be wrong
I know that my way's the only way
And some stayed away as if to say
To count their bags of gold
The charlatans they stayed behind

And the lead the way back to the soul
To heal it's wounds and make it whole
All the wise men thought to be sincere
So it summoned from far and called from near
Of it's doubtful state of mind
Humanity grew weary

Relevant Tags:
SSpiritual FFantasy piritual antasy pSiritual aFntasy zpiritual cantasy zSpiritual cFantasy Szpiritual Fcantasy
wpiritual rantasy wSpiritual rFantasy Swpiritual Frantasy dpiritual gantasy dSpiritual gFantasy Sdpiritual Fgantasy
epiritual tantasy eSpiritual tFantasy Sepiritual Ftantasy xpiritual vantasy xSpiritual vFantasy Sxpiritual Fvantasy
apiritual dantasy aSpiritual dFantasy Sapiritual Fdantasy Sppiritual Faantasy Siritual Fntasy Sipritual Fnatasy
S0iritual Fzntasy S0piritual Fzantasy Sp0iritual Fazntasy Sliritual Fqntasy Slpiritual Fqantasy Spliritual Faqntasy
Soiritual Fsntasy Sopiritual Fsantasy Spoiritual Fasntasy Spiiritual Fwntasy Spritual Fwantasy Spriitual Fawntasy
Spjritual Fxntasy Spjiritual Fxantasy Spijritual Faxntasy Sp9ritual Fanntasy Sp9iritual Fatasy Spi9ritual Fatnasy
Splritual Famtasy Famntasy Spilritual Fanmtasy Sporitual Fahtasy Fahntasy Spioritual Fanhtasy
Spkritual Fajtasy Spkiritual Fajntasy Spikritual Fanjtasy Sp8ritual Fabtasy Sp8iritual Fabntasy Spi8ritual Fanbtasy
Spuritual Fanttasy Spuiritual Fanasy Spiuritual Fanatsy Spirritual Fanfasy Spiitual Fanftasy Spiirtual Fantfasy
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Spieitual Fantaasy Spieritual Fantsy Spireitual Fantsay Spiriitual Fantzsy Spirtual Fantzasy Spirtiual Fantazsy
Spirjtual Fantqsy Spirjitual Fantqasy Spirijtual Fantaqsy Spir9tual Fantssy Spir9itual Fantsasy Spiri9tual Fantassy

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