Steve Perry
When You're In Love (for The First Time)

When you're in love for the first time
There's nothing you can do
You lose your heart for the first time
It's happening to you
You keep your love in your pocket
Safely tucked away

When you're in love for the first time
There's nothing you can do, listen
There she goes loving you
She's holding your hand
You're thinking you're so strong
She's more than you can stand

When you're in love for the first time
There's nothing you can do
You lose your heart for the first time
It's happening to you, oh yeah
There she goes loving you
She's holding you hand
You're thinking you're so strong
She's more than you can stand

When you're in love for the first time
There's nothing you can do
You lose your heart for the first time
It's happening to you

Mirror lyrics:

It's happening to you
You lose your heart for the first time
There's nothing you can do
When you're in love for the first time

She's more than you can stand
You're thinking you're so strong
She's holding you hand
There she goes loving you
It's happening to you, oh yeah
You lose your heart for the first time
There's nothing you can do
When you're in love for the first time

She's more than you can stand
You're thinking you're so strong
She's holding your hand
There she goes loving you
There's nothing you can do, listen
When you're in love for the first time

Safely tucked away
You keep your love in your pocket
It's happening to you
You lose your heart for the first time
There's nothing you can do
When you're in love for the first time

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou're IIn LLove ((for TThe FFirst TTime) hen ou're n ove for he irst ime) hWen oYu're nI oLve f(or hTe iFrst iTme)
ahen gou're jn kove (ffor fhe cirst fime) aWhen gYou're jIn kLove (or fThe cFirst fTime) Wahen Ygou're Ijn Lkove (ofr Tfhe Fcirst Tfime)
3hen hou're 9n oove (cor 5he rirst 5ime) 3When hYou're 9In oLove (cfor 5The rFirst 5Time) W3hen Yhou're I9n Loove (fcor T5he Frirst T5ime)
dhen 6ou're ln pove (ror hhe girst hime) dWhen 6You're lIn pLove (rfor hThe gFirst hTime) Wdhen Y6ou're Iln Lpove (fror Thhe Fgirst Thime)
ehen uou're on (gor yhe tirst yime) eWhen uYou're oIn Lve (gfor yThe tFirst yTime) Wehen Yuou're Ion Lvoe (fgor Tyhe Ftirst Tyime)
shen 7ou're kn Lkve (tor 6he virst 6ime) sWhen 7You're kIn (tfor 6The vFirst 6Time) Wshen Y7ou're Ikn Lokve (ftor T6he Fvirst T6ime)
2hen jou're 8n L9ve (vor ghe dirst gime) 2When jYou're 8In L9ove (vfor gThe dFirst gTime) W2hen Yjou're I8n Lo9ve (fvor Tghe Fdirst Tgime)
qhen tou're un L0ve (dor rhe Fiirst rime) qWhen tYou're uIn L0ove (dfor rThe Frst rTime) Wqhen Ytou're Iun Lo0ve (fdor Trhe Frist Trime)
Whhen Yoou're Inn Llve (foor Fjrst Tiime) Wen Yu're I Llove (fr Te Fjirst Tme) Wehn Yuo're In Lolve (fro Teh Fijrst Tmie)
Wjen Yku're Im Live (fkr Tje F9rst Tjme) Wjhen Ykou're Imn Liove (fkor Tjhe F9irst Tjime) Whjen Yoku're Inm Loive (fokr Thje Fi9rst Tijme)
Wuen Y9u're Ih Lovve (f9r Tue Flrst T9me) Wuhen Y9ou're Ihn Loe (f9or Tuhe Flirst T9ime) Whuen Yo9u're Inh Loev (fo9r Thue Filrst Ti9me)
Wnen Y0u're Ij Lobe (f0r Tne Forst Tlme) Wnhen Y0ou're Lobve (f0or Tnhe Foirst Tlime) Whnen Yo0u're Inj Lovbe (fo0r Thne Fiorst Tilme)
Wben Ylu're Ib Loce (flr Tbe Fkrst Tome) Wbhen Ylou're Ibn Locve (flor Tbhe Fkirst Toime) Whben Yolu're Inb Lovce (folr Thbe Fikrst Tiome)
Wgen Yiu're Loge (fir Tge F8rst Tkme) Wghen Yiou're Logve (fior F8irst Tkime) Whgen Yoiu're Lovge (foir Thge Fi8rst Tikme)
Wyen Youu're Lofe (forr Tye Furst T8me) Wyhen Yo're Lofve (fo Fuirst T8ime) Whyen Yo'ure Lovfe (for Thye Fiurst Ti8me)
Wheen Yoh're Lovee (fod Thee Firrst Tume) Whn Yohu're Lov (fodr Th Fist Tuime) Whne Youh're Love (ford The Fisrt Tiume)
Whsn Yo7're Lovs (fo4 Ths Fidst Timme) Whsen Yo7u're Lovse (fo4r Thse Fidrst Tie) Whesn You7're Loves (for4 Thes Firdst Tiem)
Wh3n Yok're Lov3 (fog Th3 Fi4st Tije) Wh3en Lov3e (fogr Th3e Fi4rst Whe3n Youk're Love3 (forg The3 Fir4st Timje)
Whfn Yoi're Lovf (fot Thf Figst Tike) Whfen (fotr Thfe Figrst

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