Steve Perry
Summer Of Luv

I know the reason
Why love has a season
It's summer time

I was walking downtown and saw her, yeah
The prettiest thing, yes I saw her, oh
So I said you know, I'd love to talk to you a while
Oh, yeah, yeah, she's so lovely, so lovely
I think she loves me
So I told her I think I love you
Do you believe I do, do you now
Do you

And maybe you know you could come around
After the show and we could go out
And have a cup of coffee or something
Huh, huh, you think
Oh, but yeah, yeah, she's lovely, so lovely
Oh, she loves me

I know the reason love has a season
It's summer time

Could I be dreaming, 'cause seeing is believing
It's you and I and our summer of love
Oh, ooh yeah, yeah, she's so lovely, so lovely

I know the reason love has a season
It's summer time

Could this be dreaming, 'cause seeing is believing
It's you and I and our summer of love
Oh, please get me to the church on time

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, please get me to the church on time
It's you and I and our summer of love
Could this be dreaming, 'cause seeing is believing

It's summer time
I know the reason love has a season

Oh, ooh yeah, yeah, she's so lovely, so lovely
It's you and I and our summer of love
Could I be dreaming, 'cause seeing is believing

It's summer time
I know the reason love has a season

Oh, she loves me
Oh, but yeah, yeah, she's lovely, so lovely
Huh, huh, you think
And have a cup of coffee or something
After the show and we could go out
And maybe you know you could come around

Do you
Do you believe I do, do you now
So I told her I think I love you
I think she loves me
Oh, yeah, yeah, she's so lovely, so lovely
So I said you know, I'd love to talk to you a while
The prettiest thing, yes I saw her, oh
I was walking downtown and saw her, yeah

It's summer time
Why love has a season
I know the reason

Relevant Tags:
SSummer OOf LLuv ummer f uv uSmmer fO uLv zummer kf kuv zSummer kOf kLuv Szummer Okf Lkuv wummer 9f ouv wSummer 9Of oLuv Swummer O9f Louv
dummer 0f puv dSummer 0Of pLuv Sdummer O0f Lpuv eummer lf Luuv eSummer lOf Lv Seummer Olf Lvu xummer if Lhv xSummer iOf Lhuv Sxummer Oif Luhv
aummer Off L7v aSummer O L7uv Saummer Of Lu7v Suummer Oc Lkv Smmer Ocf Smumer Ofc Lukv Shmmer Or Liv Shummer Orf Liuv Suhmmer Ofr Luiv
S7mmer Og L8v S7ummer Ogf L8uv Su7mmer Ofg Lu8v Skmmer Ot Ljv Skummer Otf Ljuv Sukmmer Oft Lujv Simmer Ov Lyv Siummer Ovf Lyuv Suimmer Ofv Luyv
S8mmer Od Luvv S8ummer Odf Lu Su8mmer Ofd Luv Sjmmer Lub Sjummer Lubv Sujmmer Luvb Symmer Luc Syummer Lucv Suymmer Luvc
Summmer Lug Sumer Lugv Summer Luvg Sujmer Luf Lufv Sumjmer Luvf Sukmer

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