Steve Miller Band
Dime A Dance Romance

Maybe she's just another sweet thing
Just a lookin' to go for a ride
Lookin' to see what it's all about
Before she can be satisfied

Or maybe she's cool and still goin' to school
And out lookin' for a man
To write a book or make her cook
Or hold her dishpan hands

She could a duchess or even a dame
Or a lady from over the hill
Yes, come on honey what's the name of your thrill
We'll try to shake it
Come on baby, let's find that old hill
We're bound to make it
Mood's high and I'm dry
Come on


Queen of Spades that ain't been played
So she knows she's well endowed
{??} witch with a nervous twitch
And the nature of a clown
{??} certified {??}
Answer to a sailor's dream
{??} to make things what they seem

Oh you dreamer, sweet redeemer
Take me for what you will
Yeah, come on honey what's the name of your thrill
We're gonna shake it
Come on baby, let's find that hill
We're bound to make it
Mood's high and I'm dry
Come on, come on

Mirror lyrics:

Come on, come on
Mood's high and I'm dry
We're bound to make it
Come on baby, let's find that hill
We're gonna shake it
Yeah, come on honey what's the name of your thrill
Take me for what you will
Oh you dreamer, sweet redeemer

{??} to make things what they seem
Answer to a sailor's dream
{??} certified {??}
And the nature of a clown
{??} witch with a nervous twitch
So she knows she's well endowed
Queen of Spades that ain't been played


Come on
Mood's high and I'm dry
We're bound to make it
Come on baby, let's find that old hill
We'll try to shake it
Yes, come on honey what's the name of your thrill
Or a lady from over the hill
She could a duchess or even a dame

Or hold her dishpan hands
To write a book or make her cook
And out lookin' for a man
Or maybe she's cool and still goin' to school

Before she can be satisfied
Lookin' to see what it's all about
Just a lookin' to go for a ride
Maybe she's just another sweet thing

Relevant Tags:
DDime AA DDance RRomance ime ance omance iDme A aDnce oRmance xime z xance domance xDime zA xDance dRomance Dxime Az Dxance Rdomance
eime q eance 4omance eDime qA eDance 4Romance Deime Aq Deance R4omance fime s fance gomance fDime sA fDance gRomance Dfime As Dfance Rgomance
rime w rance tomance rDime wA rDance tRomance Drime Aw Drance Rtomance cime x cance 5omance cDime xA cDance 5Romance Dcime Ax Dcance R5omance
sime sance fomance sDime sDance fRomance Dsime Dsance Rfomance Diime Daance eomance Dme Dnce eRomance Dmie Dnace Reomance
Djme Dznce Roomance Djime Dzance Rmance Dijme Daznce Rmoance D9me Dqnce Rkmance D9ime Dqance Rkomance Di9me Daqnce Rokmance
Dlme Dsnce R9mance Dlime R9omance Dilme Dasnce Ro9mance Dome Dwnce R0mance Doime Dwance R0omance Diome Dawnce Ro0mance
Dkme Dxnce Rlmance Dkime Rlomance Dikme Daxnce Rolmance D8me Dannce Rimance D8ime Dace Riomance Di8me Dacne Roimance
Dume Damce Rommance Duime Damnce Roance Diume Danmce Roamnce Dimme Dahce Rojance Die Dahnce Rojmance Diem Danhce Romjance
Dije Dajce Rokance Dajnce Dimje Danjce Romkance Dike Dabce Ronance Dabnce Ronmance Dimke Danbce Romnance
Dine Dancce Romaance Dinme Dane Romnce Dimne Danec Romnace Dimee Danfe Romznce Dim Danfce Romzance Dime Dancfe Romaznce
Dims Danxe Romqnce Dimse Danxce Romqance

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