Steve Miller Band
Children Of The Future

We are children of the future
Wonder where this world is going to, going to
We are children of the future
Wonder what in this world we are going to do, going to do

When they get high
They can see for miles and miles
When I get high
I can see myself for miles

You know I've got something that you can use
It takes a little bit of lovin'
A little bit of huggin'
A little bit of lovin'
A little bit of huggin

And if you don't think that you can find
And if you don't think that it's peace of mind

Mirror lyrics:

And if you don't think that it's peace of mind
And if you don't think that you can find

A little bit of huggin
A little bit of lovin'
A little bit of huggin'
It takes a little bit of lovin'
You know I've got something that you can use

I can see myself for miles
When I get high
They can see for miles and miles
When they get high

Wonder what in this world we are going to do, going to do
We are children of the future
Wonder where this world is going to, going to
We are children of the future

Relevant Tags:
CChildren OOf TThe FFuture hildren f he uture hCildren fO hTe uFture fhildren kf fhe cuture fChildren kOf fThe cFuture Cfhildren Okf Tfhe Fcuture
xhildren 9f 5he ruture xChildren 9Of 5The rFuture Cxhildren O9f T5he Fruture vhildren 0f hhe guture vChildren 0Of hThe gFuture Cvhildren O0f Thhe Fguture
dhildren lf yhe tuture dChildren lOf yThe tFuture Cdhildren Olf Tyhe Ftuture Chhildren if 6he vuture Cildren iOf 6The vFuture Cihldren Oif T6he Fvuture
Cjildren Off ghe duture Cjhildren O gThe dFuture Chjildren Of Tghe Fduture Cuildren Oc rhe Fuuture Cuhildren Ocf rThe Fture Chuildren Ofc Trhe Ftuure
Cnildren Or Fhture Cnhildren Orf Te Fhuture Chnildren Ofr Teh Fuhture Cbildren Og Tje F7ture Cbhildren Ogf Tjhe F7uture Chbildren Ofg Thje Fu7ture
Cgildren Ot Tue Fkture Cghildren Otf Tuhe Fkuture Chgildren Oft Thue Fukture Cyildren Ov Tne Fiture Cyhildren Ovf Tnhe Fiuture Chyildren Ofv Thne Fuiture
Chiildren Od Tbe F8ture Chldren Odf Tbhe F8uture Chlidren Ofd Thbe Fu8ture Chjldren Tge Fjture Fjuture Chijldren Thge Fujture
Ch9ldren Tye Fyture Ch9ildren Fyuture Chi9ldren Thye Fuyture Chlldren Thee Futture Chlildren Th Fuure Chilldren The Fuutre
Choldren Ths Fufure Choildren Thse Fufture Chioldren Thes Futfure Chkldren Th3 Fu5ure Chkildren Th3e Fu5ture Chikldren The3 Fut5ure
Ch8ldren Thf Fuhure Ch8ildren Thfe Chi8ldren Thef Futhure Chuldren Thr Fuyure Thre Chiuldren Ther Futyure
Th4 Fu6ure Chidren Th4e Fu6ture Chidlren The4 Fut6ure Chikdren Thd Fugure Thde Fugture Chilkdren Thed Futgure
Chiodren Thw Furure Thwe Furture Chilodren Thew Futrure Chipdren Futuure Chipldren Futre

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