Steve Holy
What Could I Do Different Tonight

On my way home I had to tune out the radio
Too much news that shook me to my soul
I had to reach her right now, cry out loud and let you know
That the only thing worth living for is to learn to love you more

When you fall in my arms, I hold on a little tighter
Let my heart be open wider and never let a chance slip by
Say the things left unsaid so I don't look back in sorrow
If I knew you'd be gone tomorrow, what could I do different tonight?

I promise you I won't turn down anymore dances
I've been a fool to think I'd always find you here
No, I thank You God for this moment I've been granted
To stand upon a mountain and shout so you won't have any doubt

When you fall in my arms, I hold on a little tighter
Let my heart be open wider and never let a chance slip by
Say the things left unsaid so I don't look back in sorrow
If I knew you'd be gone tomorrow, what could I do different tonight?

When you fall, when you fall

When you fall in my arms, I hold on a little tighter
Let my heart be open wider and never let a chance slip by
Say the things left unsaid so I don't look back in sorrow
If I knew you'd be gone tomorrow, what could I do different tonight?

What could I do different tonight?
Oh, what could I do different tonight?

Oh, baby
What could I do different?

Mirror lyrics:

What could I do different?
Oh, baby

Oh, what could I do different tonight?
What could I do different tonight?

If I knew you'd be gone tomorrow, what could I do different tonight?
Say the things left unsaid so I don't look back in sorrow
Let my heart be open wider and never let a chance slip by
When you fall in my arms, I hold on a little tighter

When you fall, when you fall

If I knew you'd be gone tomorrow, what could I do different tonight?
Say the things left unsaid so I don't look back in sorrow
Let my heart be open wider and never let a chance slip by
When you fall in my arms, I hold on a little tighter

To stand upon a mountain and shout so you won't have any doubt
No, I thank You God for this moment I've been granted
I've been a fool to think I'd always find you here
I promise you I won't turn down anymore dances

If I knew you'd be gone tomorrow, what could I do different tonight?
Say the things left unsaid so I don't look back in sorrow
Let my heart be open wider and never let a chance slip by
When you fall in my arms, I hold on a little tighter

That the only thing worth living for is to learn to love you more
I had to reach her right now, cry out loud and let you know
Too much news that shook me to my soul
On my way home I had to tune out the radio

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Whsat Coyuld Digfferent Tobnight Whast Couyld Difgferent Tonbight Whwt Coulld Ditferent Toniight Whwat Coud Ditfferent Tonght Whawt Coudl Diftferent Tongiht
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