The Beast And Dragon, Adored

The beast and dragon, adored
You been gone so long
Where you been for so long
I went to places unknown
Rented a room
And I forgot my pen
Shook my twin
And I had to find the fellin again

Now all I need is a crew
One that can act as if
One that can slay on cue
And sneeze and sniff
Uh-huh alright
I'm going back to the water
Been landlocked too long

I got a feelin it don't come cheap
I got a feelin oh and then it got to me
It took its time a-working into my soul
I got to believe it come from rock and roll
Believe it come from rock and roll

Where did you get for so long
I been learning my scene
I been watching my friends move away
I sumon my love back to me
And I went down by the seawall
That's when I knew They Never Got You

Great dominions they don't cheap
Great dominions they just want you to leave
I got the meaning the meaning sat tight
Said it's not what you expected but it could be right

I got a feelin it didn't come free
I got a feeling and then i got to me
When you don't feel it it shows they tear out your soul
And when you believe they call it rock and roll

Mirror lyrics:

And when you believe they call it rock and roll
When you don't feel it it shows they tear out your soul
I got a feeling and then i got to me
I got a feelin it didn't come free

Said it's not what you expected but it could be right
I got the meaning the meaning sat tight
Great dominions they just want you to leave
Great dominions they don't cheap

That's when I knew They Never Got You
And I went down by the seawall
I sumon my love back to me
I been watching my friends move away
I been learning my scene
Where did you get for so long

Believe it come from rock and roll
I got to believe it come from rock and roll
It took its time a-working into my soul
I got a feelin oh and then it got to me
I got a feelin it don't come cheap

Been landlocked too long
I'm going back to the water
Uh-huh alright
And sneeze and sniff
One that can slay on cue
One that can act as if
Now all I need is a crew

And I had to find the fellin again
Shook my twin
And I forgot my pen
Rented a room
I went to places unknown
Where you been for so long
You been gone so long
The beast and dragon, adored

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBeast AAnd DDragon, AAdored he east nd ragon, dored hTe eBast nAd rDagon, dAored fhe veast znd xragon, zdored fThe vBeast zAnd xDragon, zAdored
Tfhe Bveast Aznd Dxragon, Azdored 5he geast qnd eragon, qdored 5The gBeast qAnd eDragon, qAdored T5he Bgeast Aqnd Deragon, Aqdored hhe neast snd fragon, sdored
hThe nBeast sAnd fDragon, sAdored Thhe Bneast Asnd Dfragon, Asdored yhe heast wnd rragon, wdored yThe hBeast wAnd rDragon, wAdored Tyhe Bheast Awnd Drragon, Awdored
6he Beeast xnd cragon, xdored 6The Bast xAnd cDragon, xAdored T6he Baest Axnd Dcragon, Axdored ghe Bsast Annd sragon, Addored gThe Bseast Ad sDragon, Aored
Tghe Besast Adn Dsragon, Aodred rhe B3ast Amd Axored rThe B3east Amnd Dagon, Trhe Be3ast Anmd Dargon, Adxored Bfast Ahd Ddagon, Aeored
Te Bfeast Ahnd Ddragon, Aedored Teh Befast Anhd Drdagon, Adeored Tje Brast Ajd D4agon, Afored Tjhe Breast Ajnd D4ragon, Afdored Thje Berast Anjd Dr4agon, Adfored
Tue B4ast Abd Dgagon, Arored Tuhe B4east Abnd Dgragon, Ardored Thue Be4ast Anbd Drgagon, Adrored Tne Bdast Andd Dtagon, Acored Tnhe Bdeast An Dtragon, Acdored
Thne Bedast And Drtagon, Adcored Tbe Bwast Anx D5agon, Asored Tbhe Bweast Anxd D5ragon, Thbe Bewast Andx Dr5agon, Adsored Tge Beaast Ane Dfagon, Adoored
Best Aned Adred Thge Besat Ande Drfagon, Adroed Tye Bezst Anf Deagon, Adkred Bezast Anfd Adkored Thye Beazst Andf Dreagon, Adokred
Thee Beqst Anr Draagon, Ad9red Th Beqast Anrd Drgon, Ad9ored The Beaqst Andr Drgaon, Ado9red Ths Besst Anc Drzgon, Ad0red Thse Ancd Drzagon, Ad0ored
Thes Beasst Andc Drazgon, Ado0red Th3 Bewst Ans Drqgon, Adlred Th3e Ansd Drqagon, Adlored The3 Beawst Ands Draqgon, Adolred Thf Bexst Drsgon, Adired
Thfe Bexast Drsagon, Adiored Thef Beaxst Drasgon, Adoired Thr Drwgon, Adorred Thre Beat Drwagon, Adoed

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