Nobody Gets Me But You

Nobody gets what I say,
Must be some way to convey,
But no-one else remembers my name,
Just the parts that i play.

Nobody gets,
Nobody gets me but you.
No-one gets what I've done,
Everyone else seems to look trough.
Oh but maybe I've never wanted them to.
Couldn't count on it anyway.

Nobody gets,
Nobody cuts me like you.

Nobody gets what I say,
Those who know, those who lose.
Those who look trough.
Do they get me?

I thought they get me like you,
Oh no!
Oh no-one.

Mirror lyrics:

Oh no-one.
Oh no!
I thought they get me like you,

Do they get me?
Those who look trough.
Those who know, those who lose.
Nobody gets what I say,

Nobody cuts me like you.
Nobody gets,

Couldn't count on it anyway.
Oh but maybe I've never wanted them to.
Everyone else seems to look trough.
No-one gets what I've done,
Nobody gets me but you.
Nobody gets,

Just the parts that i play.
But no-one else remembers my name,
Must be some way to convey,
Nobody gets what I say,

Relevant Tags:
NNobody GGets MMe BBut YYou obody ets e ut ou oNbody eGts eM uBt oYu mobody hets je vut gou mNobody hGets jMe vBut gYou Nmobody Ghets Mje Bvut Ygou
hobody yets ke gut hou hNobody yGets kMe gBut hYou Nhobody Gyets Mke Bgut Yhou jobody bets ne nut 6ou jNobody bGets nMe nBut 6You Njobody Gbets Mne Bnut Y6ou
bobody vets Mee hut uou bNobody vGets M hBut uYou Nbobody Gvets Me Bhut Yuou Noobody fets Ms Buut 7ou Nbody fGets Mse Bt 7You Nboody Gfets Mes Btu Y7ou
Nkbody tets M3 Bht jou Nkobody tGets M3e jYou Nokbody Gtets Me3 Buht Yjou N9body Geets Mf B7t tou N9obody Gts Mfe B7ut tYou No9body Gtes Mef Bu7t Ytou
N0body Gsts Mr Bkt Yoou N0obody Gsets Mre Bkut Yu No0body Gests Mer Bukt Yuo Nlbody G3ts M4 Bit Yku Nlobody G3ets M4e Biut Ykou Nolbody Ge3ts Me4 Buit Yoku
Nibody Gfts Md B8t Y9u Niobody Mde B8ut Y9ou Noibody Gefts Med Bu8t Yo9u Nobbody Grts Mw Bjt Y0u Noody Grets Mwe Bjut Y0ou Noobdy Gerts Mew Bujt Yo0u
Novody G4ts Byt Ylu Novbody G4ets Byut Ylou Nobvody Ge4ts Buyt Yolu Nogody Gdts Butt Yiu Nogbody Gdets Bu Yiou Nobgody Gedts But Yoiu
Nonody Gwts Buf Youu Nonbody Gwets Buft Yo Nobnody Gewts Butf You Nohody Getts Bu5 Yoh Nohbody Ges Bu5t Yohu Nobhody Gest But5 Youh
Noboody Gefs Buh Yo7 Nobdy Yo7u Nobdoy Getfs Buth You7 Nobkdy Ge5s Buy Yok Nobkody Ge5ts Nobokdy Get5s Buty Youk
Nob9dy Gehs Bu6 Yoi Nob9ody Gehts Bu6t

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