Spongebob Squarepants
Ocean Man (and Ween)

Ocean Man,
Take me by the hand,
Lead me to the land,
That you understand,
Ocean Man,
The voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip,
Ocean Man,
The crust of the tan man inbibided by the sun,
Soaking up the thirst of the land,
Ocean Man,
Can you see through the wonder of amazement,
At the oberman?
Ocean Man,
The crust is elusive when it casts forth,
to the childlike man,
Ocean Man,
The sequence of a life form braised in the sand,
Soaking up the thirst of the land,
Ocean Man,
(Guitar Playing)
Ocean Man,
Ocean Man,
Ocean Man,
The sequence of a life form braised in the sand,
Soaking up the thirst of the land,
Ocean Man

Mirror lyrics:

Ocean Man
Soaking up the thirst of the land,
The sequence of a life form braised in the sand,
Ocean Man,
Ocean Man,
Ocean Man,
(Guitar Playing)
Ocean Man,
Soaking up the thirst of the land,
The sequence of a life form braised in the sand,
Ocean Man,
to the childlike man,
The crust is elusive when it casts forth,
Ocean Man,
At the oberman?
Can you see through the wonder of amazement,
Ocean Man,
Soaking up the thirst of the land,
The crust of the tan man inbibided by the sun,
Ocean Man,
The voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip,
Ocean Man,
That you understand,
Lead me to the land,
Take me by the hand,
Ocean Man,

Relevant Tags:
OOcean MMan ((and WWeen) cean an and een) cOean aMn a(nd eWen) kcean jan (aand aeen) kOcean jMan (nd aWeen) Okcean Mjan (nad Waeen)
9cean kan (znd 3een) 9Ocean kMan (zand 3Ween) O9cean Mkan (aznd W3een) 0cean nan (qnd deen) 0Ocean nMan (qand dWeen) O0cean Mnan (aqnd Wdeen)
lcean Maan (snd eeen) lOcean Mn (sand eWeen) Olcean Mna (asnd Weeen) icean Mzn (wnd seen) iOcean Mzan (wand sWeen) Oicean Mazn (awnd Wseen)
Occean Mqn (xnd 2een) Oean Mqan (xand 2Ween) Oecan Maqn (axnd W2een) Ofean Msn (annd qeen) Ofcean Msan (ad qWeen) Ocfean Masn (adn Wqeen)
Oxean Mwn (amd Oxcean Mwan (amnd Wen) Ocxean Mawn (anmd Ween) Ovean Mxn (ahd Wsen) Ovcean Mxan (ahnd Ocvean Maxn (anhd Wesen)
Odean Mann (ajd W3en) Odcean Ma (ajnd Ocdean Man (anjd We3en) Oceean Mam (abd Wfen) Ocan Mamn (abnd Wfeen) Ocaen Manm (anbd Wefen)
Ocsan Mah (andd Wren) Ocsean Mahn (an Wreen) Ocesan Manh (and Weren) Oc3an Maj (anx W4en) Oc3ean Majn (anxd W4een) Oce3an Manj (andx We4en)
Ocfan Mab (ane Wden)

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