Stevie Holland
The Light Of God

Close your eyes, your soul will keep
The light will shine while you sleep

There will be light to keep you warm
Light beyond each storm
Light throughout your darkest day
There will be light from up above
Light that's only love
Light that always shines your way
There will be light when you're alone
Light to take you home
Light when everything is gone
There will be light to calm your fear
Light that will be near
Light that will live on and on

So close your eyes, your soul will keep
The light will shine while you sleep

There will be light to keep you warm
Light beyond each storm
Light throughout your darkest day
There will be light from up above
Light that's only love
Light that always shines your way
The light of God will shine your way

Mirror lyrics:

The light of God will shine your way
Light that always shines your way
Light that's only love
There will be light from up above
Light throughout your darkest day
Light beyond each storm
There will be light to keep you warm

The light will shine while you sleep
So close your eyes, your soul will keep

Light that will live on and on
Light that will be near
There will be light to calm your fear
Light when everything is gone
Light to take you home
There will be light when you're alone
Light that always shines your way
Light that's only love
There will be light from up above
Light throughout your darkest day
Light beyond each storm
There will be light to keep you warm

The light will shine while you sleep
Close your eyes, your soul will keep

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLight OOf GGod he ight f od hTe iLght fO oGd fhe kight kf hod fThe kLight kOf hGod Tfhe Lkight Okf Ghod 5he oight 9f yod
5The oLight 9Of yGod T5he Loight O9f Gyod hhe pight 0f bod hThe pLight 0Of bGod Thhe Lpight O0f Gbod yhe Liight lf vod yThe Lght lOf vGod
Tyhe Lgiht Olf Gvod 6he Ljght if fod 6The Ljight iOf fGod T6he Lijght Oif Gfod ghe L9ght Off tod gThe L9ight O tGod Tghe Li9ght Of Gtod
rhe Llght Oc Good rThe Llight Ocf Gd Trhe Lilght Ofc Gdo Loght Or Gkd Te Orf Gkod Teh Lioght Ofr Gokd Tje Lkght Og G9d
Tjhe Ogf G9od Thje Likght Ofg Go9d Tue L8ght Ot G0d Tuhe L8ight Otf G0od Thue Li8ght Oft Go0d Tne Lught Ov Gld Tnhe Luight Ovf Glod
Thne Liught Ofv Gold Tbe Ligght Od Gid Tbhe Liht Odf Giod Thbe Lihgt Ofd Goid Tge Lihht Godd Lihght Go Thge Lighht God
Tye Liyht Gox Liyght Goxd Thye Ligyht Godx Thee Libht Goe Th Libght Goed

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