Steve Wynn
That's The Way Love Is

By: Norman Whitfield/Barret Strong
After bitter tears have fall form your eyes
1000 times you ask yourself why
The one guy you love have departed
And now you're left alone and broken hearted
Love it comes and it goes
How long it's gonna last nobody knows
That's the way love is, baby
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, sugar
(That's the way love is)
That's how it is
I know you're waling down a lonesome road
And you're heart is carrying a heavy load
You feel like you ain't got a friend
And your whole world is caving in
A 1000 times you've been told
You better forget him now that his gone
Don't you know baby
That's the way love is, honey
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, baby
(That's the way love is)
That's how it is
That's how it is
Let me tell you
The road to love is rough sometimes
Don't let it get the best of you
I've been hurt by a love so many times
So I know what you're going through
You wish that you were never born
You better forget him now that he's gone
Don't you know baby
That's the way love is, baby
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, honey
(That's the way love is)
That's how it is
That's how it is

Mirror lyrics:

That's how it is
That's how it is
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, honey
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, baby
Don't you know baby
You better forget him now that he's gone
You wish that you were never born
So I know what you're going through
I've been hurt by a love so many times
Don't let it get the best of you
The road to love is rough sometimes
Let me tell you
That's how it is
That's how it is
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, baby
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, honey
Don't you know baby
You better forget him now that his gone
A 1000 times you've been told
And your whole world is caving in
You feel like you ain't got a friend
And you're heart is carrying a heavy load
I know you're waling down a lonesome road
That's how it is
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, sugar
(That's the way love is)
That's the way love is, baby
How long it's gonna last nobody knows
Love it comes and it goes
And now you're left alone and broken hearted
The one guy you love have departed
1000 times you ask yourself why
After bitter tears have fall form your eyes
By: Norman Whitfield/Barret Strong

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5hat's 5he 3ay oove 9s 5That's 5The 3Way oLove 9Is T5hat's T5he W3ay Loove I9s hhat's hhe day pove ls hThat's hThe dWay pLove lIs Thhat's Thhe Wday Lpove Ils
yhat's yhe eay os yThat's yThe eWay Lve oIs Tyhat's Tyhe Weay Lvoe Ios 6hat's 6he say Lkve ks 6That's 6The sWay kIs T6hat's T6he Wsay Lokve Iks
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Tuat's Tue Wqy Lovve Iw Tuhat's Tuhe Loe Iws Thuat's Thue Waqy Loev Isw Tnat's Tne Wsy Lobe Id Tnhat's Tnhe Lobve Ids Thnat's Thne Wasy Lovbe Isd
Tbat's Tbe Wwy Loce Ie Tbhat's Tbhe Wway Locve Ies Thbat's Thbe Wawy Lovce Ise Tgat's Tge Wxy Loge Ix Wxay Logve Ixs Thgat's Thge Waxy Lovge Isx
Tyat's Tye Wayy Lofe Ia Wa Lofve Ias Thyat's Thye Way Lovfe Isa Thaat's Thee Wag Lovee Tht's Th Wagy Lov Thta's The Wayg Love
Thzt's Ths Wah Lovs Thzat's Thse Wahy Lovse Thazt's Thes Wayh Loves Thqt's Th3 Wa6 Lov3 Thqat's Th3e Wa6y Lov3e Thaqt's The3 Way6 Love3

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