Steve Winwood
Back In The High Life Again [7'' Version]

It used to seem to me
That my life ran on too fast
And I had to take it slowly
Just to make the good parts last
But when you're born to run
It's so hard to just slow down
So don't be surprised to see me
Back in that bright part of town

I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
I'll be back in the high life again
All the eyes that watched me once will smile and take me in
And I'll drink and dance with one hand free
Let the world back into me
And on I'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again

You used to be the best
To make life be life to me
And I hope that you're still out there
And you're like you used to be
We'll have ourselves a time
And we'll dance 'til the morning sun
And we'll let the good times come in
And we won't stop 'til we're done

We'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
We'll be back in the high life again
All the eyes that watched us once will smile and take us in
And we'll drink and dance with one hand free
And have the world so easily
And oh we'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again

Mirror lyrics:

Back in the high life again
And oh we'll be a sight to see
And have the world so easily
And we'll drink and dance with one hand free
All the eyes that watched us once will smile and take us in
We'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
We'll be back in the high life again

And we won't stop 'til we're done
And we'll let the good times come in
And we'll dance 'til the morning sun
We'll have ourselves a time
And you're like you used to be
And I hope that you're still out there
To make life be life to me
You used to be the best

Back in the high life again
And on I'll be a sight to see
Let the world back into me
And I'll drink and dance with one hand free
All the eyes that watched me once will smile and take me in
I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
I'll be back in the high life again

Back in that bright part of town
So don't be surprised to see me
It's so hard to just slow down
But when you're born to run
Just to make the good parts last
And I had to take it slowly
That my life ran on too fast
It used to seem to me

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BBack IIn TThe HHigh LLife AAgain [[7'' VVersion] ack n he igh ife gain 7'' ersion] aBck nI hTe iHgh iLfe gAain 7['' eVrsion]
vack jn fhe jigh kife zgain [77'' bersion] vBack jIn fThe jHigh kLife zAgain ['' bVersion] Bvack Ijn Tfhe Hjigh Lkife Azgain ['7' Vbersion]
gack 9n 5he uigh oife qgain [8'' cersion] gBack 9In 5The uHigh oLife qAgain [87'' cVersion] Bgack I9n T5he Huigh Loife Aqgain [78'' Vcersion]
nack ln hhe nigh pife sgain [y'' gersion] nBack lIn hThe nHigh pLife sAgain [y7'' gVersion] Bnack Iln Thhe Hnigh Lpife Asgain [7y'' Vgersion]
hack on yhe bigh Liife wgain [u'' fersion] hBack oIn yThe bHigh Lfe wAgain [u7'' fVersion] Bhack Ion Tyhe Hbigh Lfie Awgain [7u'' Vfersion]
Baack kn 6he gigh Ljfe xgain [6'' Veersion] Bck kIn 6The gHigh Ljife xAgain [67'' Vrsion] Bcak Ikn T6he Hgigh Lijfe Axgain [76'' Vresion]
Bzck 8n ghe yigh L9fe Aggain [7''' Vsrsion] Bzack 8In gThe yHigh L9ife Aain [7' Vsersion] Bazck I8n Tghe Hyigh Li9fe Aagin [7'' Vesrsion]
Bqck un rhe Hiigh Llfe Ahain V3rsion] Bqack uIn rThe Hgh Llife Ahgain V3ersion] Baqck Iun Trhe Hgih Lilfe Aghain Ve3rsion]
Bsck Inn Hjgh Lofe Ayain Vfrsion] Bsack I Te Aygain Basck In Teh Hijgh Liofe Agyain Vefrsion]
Bwck Im Tje H9gh Lkfe Abain Vrrsion] Bwack Imn Tjhe H9igh Abgain Vrersion] Bawck Inm Thje Hi9gh Likfe Agbain Verrsion]
Bxck Ih Tue Hlgh L8fe Avain V4rsion] Bxack Ihn Tuhe Hligh L8ife Avgain V4ersion] Baxck Inh Thue Hilgh Li8fe Agvain Ve4rsion]
Bacck Ij Tne Hogh Lufe Afain Vdrsion] Bak Tnhe Hoigh Luife Afgain Vdersion] Bakc Inj Thne Hiogh Liufe Agfain Vedrsion]
Bafk Ib Tbe Hkgh Liffe Atain Vwrsion] Bafck Ibn Tbhe Hkigh Lie Atgain Vwersion] Bacfk Inb Thbe Hikgh Lief Agtain Vewrsion]
Baxk Tge H8gh Lice Agaain H8igh Licfe Agin Vesion] Bacxk Thge Hi8gh Lifce Agian Vesrion]
Bavk Tye Hugh Lire Agzin Vedsion] Bavck Lirfe Agzain Bacvk Thye Hiugh Lifre Agazin Verdsion]
Badk Thee Higgh Lige Agqin Ve4sion] Badck Th Hih Ligfe Agqain Bacdk The Hihg Lifge Agaqin Ver4sion]
Backk Ths Hihh Lite Agsin Vegsion] Bac Thse Hihgh Litfe Agsain Vegrsion] Back Thes Highh Lifte Agasin Vergsion]
Bacl Th3 Hiyh Live Agwin Vetsion] Baclk Th3e Hiygh Livfe Agwain Vetrsion] Backl The3 Higyh Lifve Agawin Vertsion]
Baco Thf Hibh Lide Agxin Ve5sion] Bacok Thfe Hibgh Lidfe Agxain Ve5rsion] Backo Thef Higbh Lifde Agaxin Ver5sion]
Bacm Thr Hivh Lifee Agaiin Vefsion] Bacmk Thre Hivgh Lif Agan Backm Ther Higvh Life Agani Verfsion]
Bacj Th4 Hifh Lifs Agajn Veesion] Bacjk Th4e Hifgh Lifse Agajin Backj The4 Higfh Lifes Agaijn Veresion]
Baci Thd Hith Lif3 Aga9n Verssion] Bacik Thde Hitgh Lif3e Aga9in Verion] Backi Thed Higth Life3 Agai9n Verison]

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