Steven Wilson
Harmony Korine

Rain, come down, and fall forever
Drain, the dirt, into the wasteland
Pray, for sound, to quiet the howling

Feel, no shame, too brave
Feel, afraid, to wait forever

Kneel, to fade, the day's corrosion
Crawl, depart, towards perdition
Gray, the part, the bruise within you

Feel, no shame, too brave
Feel, afraid, to wait forever


Feel, no shame, too brave
Feel, afraid, to wait forever

Mirror lyrics:

Feel, afraid, to wait forever
Feel, no shame, too brave


Feel, afraid, to wait forever
Feel, no shame, too brave

Gray, the part, the bruise within you
Crawl, depart, towards perdition
Kneel, to fade, the day's corrosion

Feel, afraid, to wait forever
Feel, no shame, too brave

Pray, for sound, to quiet the howling
Drain, the dirt, into the wasteland
Rain, come down, and fall forever

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