Steven Curtis Chapman
Tuesday's Child

Just when I thought I was strong,
Another weak day comes along,
And all my righteousness goes wrong.
But I was doing so well;
My dreams to be a Godly man
Seem out of reach of my own hand,
But where I fall short, His grace still stands,
If I have faith like a child.

And if Monday's child is fair of face,
And Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Then you can call me Tuesday's child.
Like Wednesday's child, I'm full of woe,
And Thursday's child I've got far to go,
But you can call me Tuesday's child.

Sounds too easy some might say,
There's a bigger price to pay;
But when Jesus have His life away,
It was once and for all.
So with more of His grace filling me,
I more than ever want to be
Growing up in purity,
With the faith of a child.


That's what I want to be,
Full of His grace for me,
Knowing He's all I need.


Sharing the grace He gives,
That's how I want to live;
Free in His promises, I want to be Tuesday's child.

Mirror lyrics:

Free in His promises, I want to be Tuesday's child.
That's how I want to live;
Sharing the grace He gives,


Knowing He's all I need.
Full of His grace for me,
That's what I want to be,


With the faith of a child.
Growing up in purity,
I more than ever want to be
So with more of His grace filling me,
It was once and for all.
But when Jesus have His life away,
There's a bigger price to pay;
Sounds too easy some might say,

But you can call me Tuesday's child.
And Thursday's child I've got far to go,
Like Wednesday's child, I'm full of woe,
Then you can call me Tuesday's child.
And Tuesday's child is full of grace,
And if Monday's child is fair of face,

If I have faith like a child.
But where I fall short, His grace still stands,
Seem out of reach of my own hand,
My dreams to be a Godly man
But I was doing so well;
And all my righteousness goes wrong.
Another weak day comes along,
Just when I thought I was strong,

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5Tuesday's xChild T5uesday's Cxhild huesday's vhild hTuesday's vChild Thuesday's Cvhild yuesday's dhild yTuesday's dChild
Tyuesday's Cdhild 6uesday's Chhild 6Tuesday's Cild T6uesday's Cihld guesday's Cjild gTuesday's Cjhild Tguesday's Chjild
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Tusday's Choild Tuseday's Chiold Tussday's Chkld Tusesday's Chkild Tuessday's Chikld Tu3sday's Ch8ld Tu3esday's Ch8ild
Tue3sday's Chi8ld Tufsday's Chuld Tufesday's Tuefsday's Chiuld Tursday's Turesday's Chid Tuersday's Chidl
Tu4sday's Chikd Tu4esday's Tue4sday's Chilkd Tudsday's Chiod Tudesday's Tuedsday's Chilod Tuwsday's Chipd
Tuwesday's Chipld Tuewsday's Chilpd Childd Tueday's Chil Tuedsay's Child Tuezday's Chilx Tuezsday's Chilxd
Tueszday's Childx Tuewday's Chile Chiled Tueswday's Childe Tuedday's Chilf Chilfd Tuesdday's Childf

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