Steven Curtis Chapman
Lost In The Shadows

I wake to the sound of different voices calling my name
Two little ones who want to start another day
And one voice that's calling
Take up your cross and come follow me

I want to get lost
In the shadow of the cross
To answer the call surrender it all
In the shadow
I want to live each (this) day
With a humble heart
That's ready to pay
Whatever it cost, to find myself lost
In the shadow of the cross

Living beneath the burden of this cross I carry
I'm finding more of Christ and losing more of me
So I'll hide in His shadow
Until I am nothing and He is everything


The voices that call to me like my little ones are sleeping
But here in the shadow there's one whisper
I still hear


Mirror lyrics:


I still hear
But here in the shadow there's one whisper
The voices that call to me like my little ones are sleeping


Until I am nothing and He is everything
So I'll hide in His shadow
I'm finding more of Christ and losing more of me
Living beneath the burden of this cross I carry

In the shadow of the cross
Whatever it cost, to find myself lost
That's ready to pay
With a humble heart
I want to live each (this) day
In the shadow
To answer the call surrender it all
In the shadow of the cross
I want to get lost

Take up your cross and come follow me
And one voice that's calling
Two little ones who want to start another day
I wake to the sound of different voices calling my name

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LLost IIn TThe SShadows ost n he hadows oLst nI hTe hSadows kost jn fhe zhadows kLost jIn fThe zShadows Lkost Ijn Tfhe Szhadows
oost 9n 5he whadows oLost 9In 5The wShadows Loost I9n T5he Swhadows post ln hhe dhadows pLost lIn hThe dShadows Lpost Iln Thhe Sdhadows
on yhe ehadows Lst oIn yThe eShadows Lsot Ion Tyhe Sehadows Lkst kn 6he xhadows kIn 6The xShadows Lokst Ikn T6he Sxhadows
L9st 8n ghe ahadows L9ost 8In gThe aShadows Lo9st I8n Tghe Sahadows L0st un rhe Shhadows L0ost uIn rThe Sadows Lo0st Iun Trhe Sahdows
Llst Inn Sjadows Llost I Te Sjhadows Lolst In Teh Shjadows List Im Tje Suadows Liost Imn Tjhe Suhadows Loist Inm Thje Shuadows
Losst Ih Tue Snadows Lot Ihn Tuhe Snhadows Lots Inh Thue Shnadows Lozt Ij Tne Sbadows Lozst Tnhe Sbhadows Loszt Inj Thne Shbadows
Lowt Ib Tbe Sgadows Lowst Ibn Tbhe Sghadows Loswt Inb Thbe Shgadows Lodt Tge Syadows Lodst Syhadows Losdt Thge Shyadows
Loet Tye Shaadows Loest Shdows Loset Thye Shdaows Loxt Thee Shzdows Loxst Th Shzadows Losxt The Shazdows
Loat Ths Shqdows Loast Thse Shqadows Losat Thes Shaqdows Lostt Th3 Shsdows Los Th3e Shsadows Lost The3 Shasdows
Losf Thf Shwdows Losft Thfe Shwadows Lostf Thef Shawdows Los5 Thr Shxdows Los5t Thre Shxadows Lost5 Ther Shaxdows
Losh Th4 Shaddows Losht Th4e Shaows Losth The4 Shaodws Losy Thd Shaxows Losyt Thde Losty Thed Shadxows
Los6 Thw Shaeows Los6t Thwe Shaedows Lost6 Thew Shadeows

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