Stevie Nicks
Love Changes

It wasn't that I didn't love you
I just couldn't make you see
That as hard as I tried
To make it all better
It was not better for me

The love that I gave you was all around you
There was nothing there for me
I hate to say it but I saw it coming
My feelings were changing

I only say what you want to hear
When there is conflict I stand clear
When he was loving I was in tears
He knows my fears

I was shy to figure a way around this
She says like a sad song
I don't understand the way that I feel
I am terrified of being wrong

Well I am not happy, I am not crazy
Are you listening, do you hear?
Everything happens for a reason
Stay clear

I only say what you want to hear
When there is conflict I stand clear
When he was loving I was in tears
He knows my fears

When love changes in the flash of an eye
It leaves people burning by the side of the road
You stand there you've got nothing you own
For the first time you are alone
For the first time you are alone

It wasn't that I didn't love you
But I just couldn't make you see
That as hard as I tried
To make it all better
It was not better for me

The love that I gave you was all around you
There was nothing there for me
I hate to say it but I saw it coming
My feelings were changing

I only say what you want to hear
When there is conflict I stand clear
When he was loving I was in tears
He knows my fears

When love changes in the flash of an eye
It leaves people burning by the side of the road
You stand there you've got nothing you own
For the first time you are alone
For the first time you are alone

Mirror lyrics:

For the first time you are alone
For the first time you are alone
You stand there you've got nothing you own
It leaves people burning by the side of the road
When love changes in the flash of an eye

He knows my fears
When he was loving I was in tears
When there is conflict I stand clear
I only say what you want to hear

My feelings were changing
I hate to say it but I saw it coming
There was nothing there for me
The love that I gave you was all around you

It was not better for me
To make it all better
That as hard as I tried
But I just couldn't make you see
It wasn't that I didn't love you

For the first time you are alone
For the first time you are alone
You stand there you've got nothing you own
It leaves people burning by the side of the road
When love changes in the flash of an eye

He knows my fears
When he was loving I was in tears
When there is conflict I stand clear
I only say what you want to hear

Stay clear
Everything happens for a reason
Are you listening, do you hear?
Well I am not happy, I am not crazy

I am terrified of being wrong
I don't understand the way that I feel
She says like a sad song
I was shy to figure a way around this

He knows my fears
When he was loving I was in tears
When there is conflict I stand clear
I only say what you want to hear

My feelings were changing
I hate to say it but I saw it coming
There was nothing there for me
The love that I gave you was all around you

It was not better for me
To make it all better
That as hard as I tried
I just couldn't make you see
It wasn't that I didn't love you

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Lovee Chsnges Lov Chsanges Love Chasnges Lovs Chwnges Lovse Chwanges Loves Chawnges Lov3 Chxnges Lov3e Chxanges Love3 Chaxnges
Lovf Channges Chages Lovef Chagnes Lovr Chamges Lovre Chamnges Lover Chanmges Lov4 Chahges Lov4e Chahnges Love4 Chanhges
Lovd Chajges

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