Story Of The Year
Pale Blue Dot (interlude)


The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.
On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of,
every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.
Thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines,
every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every hero and coward,
every creator and destroyer of civilization,
every saint and sinner in the history of our species,
think of the rivers of blood spilled
by all those generals and emperors so that,
in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary
masters of a fraction of a dot.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance,
the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe,
are challenged by this point of pale light,
and underscores our responsibility and to preserve
and cherish the pale blue dot.

Mirror lyrics:

and cherish the pale blue dot.
and underscores our responsibility and to preserve
are challenged by this point of pale light,
the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe,
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance,
masters of a fraction of a dot.
in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary
by all those generals and emperors so that,
think of the rivers of blood spilled
every saint and sinner in the history of our species,
every creator and destroyer of civilization,
every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every hero and coward,
Thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines,
every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.
On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of,
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.


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PPale BBlue DDot ((interlude) ale lue ot interlude) aPle lBue oDt i(nterlude) 0ale vlue xot (iinterlude) 0Pale vBlue xDot (nterlude)
P0ale Bvlue Dxot (niterlude) lale glue eot (jnterlude) lPale gBlue eDot (jinterlude) Plale Bglue Deot (ijnterlude) oale nlue fot (9nterlude)
oPale nBlue fDot (9interlude) Poale Bnlue Dfot (i9nterlude) Paale hlue rot (lnterlude) Ple hBlue rDot (linterlude) Plae Bhlue Drot (ilnterlude)
Pzle Bllue cot (onterlude) Pzale Bue cDot (ointerlude) Pazle Bule Dcot (ionterlude) Pqle Bkue sot (knterlude) Pqale Bklue sDot (kinterlude)
Paqle Blkue Dsot (iknterlude) Psle Boue Doot (8nterlude) Psale Bolue Dt (8interlude) Pasle Bloue Dto (i8nterlude) Pwle Bpue Dkt (unterlude)
Pwale Bplue Dkot (uinterlude) Pawle Blpue Dokt (iunterlude) Pxle Bluue D9t (innterlude) Pxale Ble D9ot (iterlude) Paxle Bleu Do9t (itnerlude)
Palle Blhe D0t (imterlude) Pae Blhue D0ot (imnterlude) Pael Bluhe Do0t (inmterlude) Pake Bl7e Dlt (ihterlude) Pakle Bl7ue Dlot (ihnterlude)
Palke Blu7e Dolt (inhterlude) Paoe Blke Dit (ijterlude) Paole Diot Paloe Bluke Doit (injterlude) Pape Blie Dott (ibterlude)
Paple Bliue Do (ibnterlude) Palpe Bluie Dot (inbterlude) Palee Bl8e Dof (intterlude) Pal Bl8ue Doft (inerlude) Pale Blu8e Dotf (inetrlude)
Pals Blje Do5 (inferlude) Palse Bljue Do5t (infterlude) Pales Bluje Dot5 (intferlude) Pal3 Blye Doh (in5erlude) Pal3e Blyue Doht (in5terlude)
Pale3 Bluye Doth (int5erlude) Palf Bluee Doy (inherlude) Palfe Blu Doyt Palef Blue Doty (intherlude) Palr Blus Do6 (inyerlude)
Palre Bluse Do6t (inyterlude) Paler Blues Dot6 (intyerlude) Pal4 Blu3 Dog (in6erlude) Pal4e Blu3e Dogt (in6terlude) Pale4 Blue3 Dotg (int6erlude)
Pald Bluf Dor (ingerlude) Palde Blufe Dort (ingterlude) Paled Bluef Dotr (intgerlude) Palw Blur (inrerlude) Palwe Blure (inrterlude)
Palew Bluer (intrerlude) Blu4 (inteerlude) Blu4e (intrlude) Blue4 (intrelude) Blud (intsrlude)
Blude (intserlude) Blued (intesrlude) Bluw (int3rlude) Bluwe (int3erlude) Bluew (inte3rlude)
(intfrlude) (intefrlude) (intrrlude) (interrlude) (int4rlude)
(int4erlude) (inte4rlude) (intdrlude) (intderlude) (intedrlude)
(intwrlude) (intwerlude) (intewrlude) (intelude)

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