Stone Temple Pilots
Scary Area

Took a drive
To the hillside
Suburban lawns
I'm picking fences
Cadillac sells
I bought a home

Well I'm a black man
in a white man's land,
no problem
Then why's Casper in every window?
Looking like he's seen a spook

Hey, I need to talk (get out)
like there goes the neighborhood (Hey - Get out!)

House for sale sign
Iin every front yard
Look like tombstones
I'm not a cracking thief forever
What have I done?
As I'm walking
Down Brooke street

The moon is full
I'm hearing voices
In all directions
and they say “he's only coon!”

Hey, I need to talk (get out)
like there goes the neighborhood (Hey - Get out!)

Cause it's a super scary,
Super scary area
Scary, super scary area

Mirror lyrics:

Scary, super scary area
Super scary area
Cause it's a super scary,

like there goes the neighborhood (Hey - Get out!)
Hey, I need to talk (get out)

and they say “he's only coon!”
In all directions
I'm hearing voices
The moon is full

Down Brooke street
As I'm walking
What have I done?
I'm not a cracking thief forever
Look like tombstones
Iin every front yard
House for sale sign

like there goes the neighborhood (Hey - Get out!)
Hey, I need to talk (get out)

Looking like he's seen a spook
Then why's Casper in every window?
no problem
in a white man's land,
Well I'm a black man

I bought a home
Cadillac sells
I'm picking fences
Suburban lawns
To the hillside
Took a drive

Relevant Tags:
SScary AArea cary rea cSary rAea zcary zrea zScary zArea Szcary Azrea wcary qrea wScary qArea Swcary Aqrea dcary srea dScary sArea
Sdcary Asrea ecary wrea eScary wArea Secary Awrea xcary xrea xScary xArea Sxcary Axrea acary Arrea aScary Aea Sacary Aera Sccary Adea
Sary Adrea Sacry Ardea Sfary A4ea Sfcary A4rea Scfary Ar4ea Sxary Agea Agrea Scxary Argea Svary Atea Svcary Atrea Scvary Artea
Sdary A5ea A5rea Scdary Ar5ea Scaary Afea Scry Afrea Scray Arfea Sczry Aeea Sczary Aerea Scazry Areea Scqry Scqary Ara
Scaqry Arae Scsry Arsa Scsary Arsea Scasry Aresa Scwry Ar3a

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