Stellar Kart
Come Back Home

Don't go away
And leave me here alone
I wish there was something
I could say
To make you turn around
And come back home
Why can't you stay?
Why can't you...

I can't stay awake
Cause you know I'm thinking
Always thinking
Of you
I can't fall asleep
Cause you know I'm dreaming
Always dreaming
Of you

Give me one more day
So you don't ruin my year
There had to be something I could say
To make you realize
I need you here
Why can't you stay?
Why can't you...

I can't stay awake
Cause you know I'm thinking
Always thinking
of you.
I can't fall asleep
Cause you know I'm dreaming.
Always dreaming
Of you
Of you

I can't stay awake
Cause you know I'm thinking
Always thinking

I can't fall asleep
Cause you know I'm dreaming
Always dreaming
Of you

I can't stay awake
Cause you know I'm thinking
Always thinking
Of you
I can't fall asleep
Cause you know I'm dreaming
Always dreaming
Of you
I can't stay awake
Cause you know I'm thinking
Always thinking of you
I can't fall asleep
Cause you know I'm dreaming
Always dreaming
Of you
Of you...

Mirror lyrics:

Of you...
Of you
Always dreaming
Cause you know I'm dreaming
I can't fall asleep
Always thinking of you
Cause you know I'm thinking
I can't stay awake
Of you
Always dreaming
Cause you know I'm dreaming
I can't fall asleep
Of you
Always thinking
Cause you know I'm thinking
I can't stay awake

Of you
Always dreaming
Cause you know I'm dreaming
I can't fall asleep

Always thinking
Cause you know I'm thinking
I can't stay awake

Of you
Of you
Always dreaming
Cause you know I'm dreaming.
I can't fall asleep
of you.
Always thinking
Cause you know I'm thinking
I can't stay awake

Why can't you...
Why can't you stay?
I need you here
To make you realize
There had to be something I could say
So you don't ruin my year
Give me one more day

Of you
Always dreaming
Cause you know I'm dreaming
I can't fall asleep
Of you
Always thinking
Cause you know I'm thinking
I can't stay awake

Why can't you...
Why can't you stay?
And come back home
To make you turn around
I could say
I wish there was something
And leave me here alone
Don't go away

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Cme Bck gHome Cmoe Bcak Hgome Ckme Bzck yome Ckome Bzack yHome Cokme Bazck Hyome C9me Bqck Hoome C9ome Bqack Hme Co9me Baqck Hmoe
C0me Bsck Hkme C0ome Bsack Hkome Co0me Basck Hokme Clme Bwck H9me Clome Bwack H9ome Colme Bawck Ho9me Cime Bxck H0me Ciome Bxack H0ome
Coime Baxck Ho0me Comme Bacck Hlme Coe Bak Hlome Coem Bakc Holme Coje Bafk Hime

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