Stefanie Heinzmann

His moments of bliss, dew under foot,
Fingers dipped in melted wax.
Her moments of joy, walking on snow,
Face caress on a warm pane.

Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Moments so unnoticed they slip through your hand.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Precious and small and great in the things they bring.

His moments of bliss, bursting some bubbles,
Eating sweet dough from a bowl.
Her moments of joy, jumping in puddles,
Breathing in rain on its way.

Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Moments so unnoticed they slip through your hand.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Precious and small and great in the things they bring.

Small leaves, big impressions
In a short yet timeless time. (2x)

Gifts of immeasurable worth,
These are moments so unnoticed.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Gifts so precious and great.

These are those moments of bliss,
Holding your hand,
Telling you all of the things he feels.

Mirror lyrics:

Telling you all of the things he feels.
Holding your hand,
These are those moments of bliss,

Gifts so precious and great.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,
These are moments so unnoticed.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,

In a short yet timeless time. (2x)
Small leaves, big impressions

Precious and small and great in the things they bring.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Moments so unnoticed they slip through your hand.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,

Breathing in rain on its way.
Her moments of joy, jumping in puddles,
Eating sweet dough from a bowl.
His moments of bliss, bursting some bubbles,

Precious and small and great in the things they bring.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,
Moments so unnoticed they slip through your hand.
Gifts of immeasurable worth,

Face caress on a warm pane.
Her moments of joy, walking on snow,
Fingers dipped in melted wax.
His moments of bliss, dew under foot,

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