Animal Nitrate

Like his dad you know that he's had
Animal nitrate in mind
Oh in your council home he jumped on your bones
now you're taking it time after time

oh it turns you on, on, on, now he has gone
oh what turns you on, on, on, now your animal's gone?

Well he said he'd show you his bed
and the delights of his chemical smile
so in your broken home he broke all of your bones
now you're taking it time after time

oh it turns you on, on, on, now he has gone
oh what turns you on, on, on, now yor animal's gone?

what does it take to turn you on, on
now he has gone?
now you're over 21?
now your animal's gone?
animal, he was animal, an animal

Mirror lyrics:

animal, he was animal, an animal
now your animal's gone?
now you're over 21?
now he has gone?
what does it take to turn you on, on

oh what turns you on, on, on, now yor animal's gone?
oh it turns you on, on, on, now he has gone

now you're taking it time after time
so in your broken home he broke all of your bones
and the delights of his chemical smile
Well he said he'd show you his bed

oh what turns you on, on, on, now your animal's gone?
oh it turns you on, on, on, now he has gone

now you're taking it time after time
Oh in your council home he jumped on your bones
Animal nitrate in mind
Like his dad you know that he's had

Relevant Tags:
AAnimal NNitrate nimal itrate nAimal iNtrate znimal mitrate zAnimal mNitrate Aznimal Nmitrate qnimal hitrate qAnimal hNitrate
Aqnimal Nhitrate snimal jitrate sAnimal jNitrate Asnimal Njitrate wnimal bitrate wAnimal bNitrate Awnimal Nbitrate xnimal Niitrate
xAnimal Ntrate Axnimal Ntirate Annimal Njtrate Aimal Ainmal Nijtrate Amimal N9trate Amnimal N9itrate Anmimal Ni9trate
Ahimal Nltrate Ahnimal Nlitrate Anhimal Niltrate Ajimal Notrate Ajnimal Noitrate Anjimal Niotrate Abimal Nktrate Abnimal Nkitrate
Anbimal Niktrate Aniimal N8trate Anmal N8itrate Anmial Ni8trate Anjmal Nutrate Nuitrate Anijmal Niutrate An9mal Nittrate
An9imal Nirate Ani9mal Nirtate Anlmal Nifrate Anlimal Niftrate Anilmal Nitfrate Anomal Ni5rate Anoimal Ni5trate Aniomal Nit5rate
Ankmal Nihrate Ankimal Nihtrate Anikmal Nithrate An8mal Niyrate An8imal Niytrate Ani8mal Nityrate Anumal Ni6rate Anuimal Ni6trate
Aniumal Nit6rate Animmal Nigrate Anial Nigtrate Aniaml Nitgrate Anijal Nirrate Nirtrate Animjal Nitrrate Anikal
Nitate Animkal Nitarte Aninal Nitdate Aninmal Nitdrate Animnal Nitrdate Animaal Nit4ate Animl Nit4rate Animla Nitr4ate
Animzl Nitgate

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