Sugar Ray
56 Hope Road

Sugar Ray
There's a place without commotion down by the sea
Inside this ocean deep inside a dream
A universe of notion trying to be free
Sent into motion (yea yea yea yeah)
Someone fall in love with me
And someone fall in love
Faced praise for redemption in a perfect stage
Shown with emotion to get the feeling' right
Saw job position
We'd fly through the night for anyone to listen
Someone fall in love with me
And someone fall in love
someone fall in love with me
And some fall in love
(Shaggy part)
Someone fall in love with me
And someone fall in love
Someone fall in love with me
And some fall in love x3
(Shaggy part #2)

Mirror lyrics:

(Shaggy part #2)
And some fall in love x3
Someone fall in love with me
And someone fall in love
Someone fall in love with me
(Shaggy part)
And some fall in love
someone fall in love with me
And someone fall in love
Someone fall in love with me
We'd fly through the night for anyone to listen
Saw job position
Shown with emotion to get the feeling' right
Faced praise for redemption in a perfect stage
And someone fall in love
Someone fall in love with me
Sent into motion (yea yea yea yeah)
A universe of notion trying to be free
Inside this ocean deep inside a dream
There's a place without commotion down by the sea
Sugar Ray

Relevant Tags:
556 HHope RRoad 6 ope oad 65 oHpe oRad 66 jope doad 656 jHope dRoad 566 Hjope Rdoad r6 uope 4oad r56 uHope 4Road 5r6 Huope R4oad
t6 nope goad t56 nHope gRoad 5t6 Hnope Rgoad 46 bope toad 456 bHope tRoad 546 Hbope Rtoad gope 5oad 5 gHope 5Road 56 Hgope R5oad
57 yope foad 576 yHope fRoad 567 Hyope Rfoad 5t Hoope eoad Hpe eRoad 56t Hpoe Reoad 5y Hkpe Rooad 5y6 Hkope Rad 56y Hokpe Raod
55 H9pe Rkad H9ope Rkoad 565 Ho9pe Rokad H0pe R9ad H0ope R9oad Ho0pe Ro9ad Hlpe R0ad Hlope R0oad Holpe Ro0ad
Hipe Rlad Hiope Rload Hoipe Rolad Hoppe Riad

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