Just Might (make Me Believe)

I got miles of trouble spreadin' far and wide
Bills on the table gettin' higher and higher
They just keep on comin', there ain't no end in sight
I'm just holding on tight...
I've got someone who loves me more than words can say
And I'm thankful for that each and every day
And if I count all my blessings, I get a smile on my face
Still it's hard to find faith...

But if you can look in my eyes
And tell me we'll be alright
If you promise never to leave
You just might make me believe

Its just day to day tryin' to make ends meet
What I'd give for an address on easy street
I need a deep margarita to help me unwind
Leave my troubles behind...

But if you can look in my eyes
And tell me we'll be alright
If you promise never to leave
You just might make me believe

I used to believe in us
When times got tough
Lately I'm afraid that even love is not enough

But if you can look in my eyes
And tell me we'll be alright
If you promise never to leave you just might make me
Oh, you just might make me
You just might make me believe

Mirror lyrics:

You just might make me believe
Oh, you just might make me
If you promise never to leave you just might make me
And tell me we'll be alright
But if you can look in my eyes

Lately I'm afraid that even love is not enough
When times got tough
I used to believe in us

You just might make me believe
If you promise never to leave
And tell me we'll be alright
But if you can look in my eyes

Leave my troubles behind...
I need a deep margarita to help me unwind
What I'd give for an address on easy street
Its just day to day tryin' to make ends meet

You just might make me believe
If you promise never to leave
And tell me we'll be alright
But if you can look in my eyes

Still it's hard to find faith...
And if I count all my blessings, I get a smile on my face
And I'm thankful for that each and every day
I've got someone who loves me more than words can say
I'm just holding on tight...
They just keep on comin', there ain't no end in sight
Bills on the table gettin' higher and higher
I got miles of trouble spreadin' far and wide

Relevant Tags:
JJust MMight ((make MMe BBelieve) ust ight make e elieve) uJst iMght m(ake eM eBlieve) kust jight (mmake je velieve) kJust jMight (ake jMe vBelieve)
Jkust Mjight (amke Mje Bvelieve) iust kight (jake ke gelieve) iJust kMight (jmake kMe gBelieve) Jiust Mkight (mjake Mke Bgelieve) must night (kake ne nelieve)
mJust nMight (kmake nMe nBelieve) Jmust Mnight (mkake Mne Bnelieve) nust Miight (nake Mee helieve) nJust Mght (nmake M hBelieve) Jnust Mgiht (mnake Me Bhelieve)
hust Mjght (maake Ms Beelieve) hJust (mke Mse Blieve) Jhust Mijght (mkae Mes Bleieve) uust M9ght (mzke M3 Bslieve) uJust M9ight (mzake M3e Bselieve)
Juust Mi9ght (mazke Me3 Beslieve) Mlght (mqke Mf B3lieve) Jst Mlight (mqake Mfe B3elieve) Jsut Milght (maqke Mef Be3lieve) Jhst Moght (mske Mr Bflieve)
Moight (msake Mre Bfelieve) Juhst Mioght (maske Mer Beflieve) J7st Mkght (mwke M4 Brlieve) J7ust (mwake M4e Brelieve) Ju7st Mikght (mawke Me4 Berlieve)
Jkst M8ght (mxke Md B4lieve) M8ight (mxake Mde B4elieve) Jukst Mi8ght (maxke Med Be4lieve) Jist Mught (makke Mw Bdlieve) Muight (mae Mwe Bdelieve)
Juist Miught (maek Mew Bedlieve) J8st Migght (male Bwlieve) J8ust Miht (malke Bwelieve) Ju8st Mihgt (makle Bewlieve) Jjst Mihht (maoe Bellieve)
Jjust Mihght (maoke Beieve) Jujst Mighht (makoe Beileve) Jyst Miyht (mame Bekieve) Jyust Miyght (mamke Beklieve) Juyst Migyht (makme Belkieve)
Jusst Mibht (maje Beoieve) Jut Mibght (majke Beolieve) Juts Migbht (makje Beloieve) Juzt Mivht (maie Bepieve) Juzst Mivght (maike Beplieve)
Juszt Migvht (makie Belpieve) Juwt Mifht (makee Beliieve) Juwst Mifght (mak Beleve) Juswt Migfht (make Beleive) Judt Mitht (maks Beljeve)
Judst Mitght (makse Beljieve) Jusdt Migtht (makes Belijeve) Juet (mak3 Bel9eve) Juest Migt (mak3e Bel9ieve) Juset Migth (make3 Beli9eve)
Juxt Migjt (makf Belleve) Juxst Migjht (makfe Jusxt Mighjt (makef Belileve) Juat Migut (makr Beloeve) Juast Miguht (makre
Jusat Mighut (maker Belioeve) Justt Mignt (mak4 Belkeve) Jus Mignht (mak4e

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